More and more areas of Romania are being quarantined. Negative opinion for Timisoara, although the mayor had requested quarantine


The towns around the Capital begin to close one by one. Since Thursday night, Berceni and Clinceni, satellite communes where thousands of people who work in Bucharest live, are under quarantine.

At the center of attention are the cities of Voluntari and Otopeni, almost merged with the Capital, where the infection rate is just below the threshold of 9 per thousand. Threshold from which quarantine proposals can be made.

This has already happened in Constanza, the city will be in quarantine on Friday night at 8pm.

Ciorogarla was the first town in Ilfov to be quarantined. As the number of diseases increased rapidly in the area, Ilfov prefecture decided to quarantine much larger towns.

For Berceni and Clinceni, the measure takes effect on Thursday night, at 10 pm.

Berceni is the second town in Ilfov to go into quarantine. Here the contagion rate has exceeded 10 per thousand inhabitants. This is because of the 9,000 inhabitants who officially live in Berceni, 97 of them have been infected in the last 2 weeks.

Thousands of Bucharest residents have moved to the Berceni commune in recent years and many work in the capital. Already stifled traffic could be blocked at rush hour if police check drivers’ certificates.

Covrigea Gheorghe, Mayor of Berceni: “The police will decide whether to stop each car. I don’t think it is possible to do this, every day 2,000 cars leave the commune for Bucharest“.

On Thursday, DSP inspectors proposed quarantine for the towns of Chiajna and Bragadiru, which are also at the top of the infection rate.

The town of Voluntari is also on the horizon, with a contagion rate of 8.96 per thousand inhabitants. Starting with the rate of 9, the DSP can propose that a locality be quarantined. The rule was established especially for the areas around the Capital.

Here is the border between Bucharest and Voluntari. This is where the Pipera neighborhood begins, perhaps the most difficult neighborhood to quarantine in the country. This is where the big Bucharest corporations are based, where people still come to work.

“If we quarantined ourselves, we would have to go to Bucharest entirely”

Tens of thousands of people live in Voluntari’s residential neighborhoods. With or without a certificate, most will continue to work or shop in Bucharest.

Man: “The volunteer is no longer separated from Bucharest in any way. If we were to quarantine it would have to be with Bucharest entirely“.

Daniel Zamfir, Ilfov County Prefect: “It will not be easy, but those of the Gendarmerie and Police, the National Police, the Local Police, will do everything possible so that we do not hinder as far as possible the entrance, the exit from the towns that are subject to the measure of quarantine.“.

The same happens in other large cities in the country.

The situation worsened further in the commune of Dumbrăvița, near Timișoara. Here, after two weeks of quarantine, the infection rate increased from 7.44 to 11.60.

This is because many residents work in Timisoara, they come to work every day, and as you can see, there is a large flow of cars entering the city.

The mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz, requested the quarantine of the entire city, but the central authorities gave a negative opinion.

Dominic Fritz, Mayor of Timisoara: “Rather than prolong suffering, we make these decisions sooner rather than later.”.

But there are many other smaller cities where quarantine has been imposed. In Bistrita and Satu Mare, restrictions apply from Thursday.

Filters are made everywhere and trips are made for only good reasons. Also in Constanza, the authorities voted in favor of establishing the quarantine, which takes effect on Friday at 8 p.m.

Negative opinion for the quarantine of Timisoara

Tight restrictions near the Capital. The Ilfov prefecture has decided that the towns of Berceni and Clinceni will be quarantined on Thursday from 10 pm.

In Bistrita, the quarantine is already in effect from 5 in the morning. Police teams stormed the city.

Drivers traveling elsewhere can continue their journey only on the ring road or on another route.

Crina Sârb, spokesperson for IPJ Bistrița-Năsăud: “As of today, November 19, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the quarantine measure for the municipality of Bistrita and six other member towns came into effect for the next 14 days.”

The municipality of Satu Mare was also quarantined on Thursday morning. Here, the incidence rate has exceeded the threshold of 7 cases per thousand inhabitants, during the last two weeks.

In Timisoara, the contagion rate exceeded 8 per thousand inhabitants on Thursday, decreasing compared to yesterday.

The health authorities of the region have made an analysis of the situation there to see if it is necessary to quarantine the city with more than 300,000 inhabitants, especially since in five neighboring towns this measure has been imposed for two weeks.

On Thursday morning, the answer came from the center.

Liliana Oneț, Prefect of Timiş County: “The Public Health Directorate made an analysis and regarding Timisoara and Lugoj a negative opinion was received from the INSP, the two municipalities do not fall within the quarantine criteria at this time we are talking about. In fact, in Timişoara there is a slight decrease in the infection rate, as well as in Timiş county. In the last days we are in a slight decrease ”.

However, the mayor of Timisoara affirms that the measure should be imposed, the number of improvements is high.

In Timiş, there are still seven towns under quarantine. For another three, the authorities decided to lift the measure as of Thursday morning.
