The value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent life for a family of two adults and two children for September 2020 is 7,278 lei per month, increasing by + 4.7% compared to last year, according to data published by Friedrich- Ebert Stiftung. In September 2019, the value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent life for the same type of household was 6,954 lei per month, and in September 2018 – 6,762 lei.
In September 2019, the increase in the value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent life compared to the previous year, 2018, was + 2.8%, 1.9 percentage points less than this year.
The largest increase in the spending structure of the basket was recorded in the housing chapter. Housing expenses increased + 8.8% in September 2020 compared to September 2019. In comparison, in 2019 the increase in housing-related expenses was only + 2.3% compared to September 2018 .
In addition, there were higher increases than the previous year in terms of food spending: + 5.5% more in September 2020 compared to September 2019 (compared to + 3.8% in September 2019 compared with September 2018). The value of the basket for a family of two adults and one child is 6,194 lei per month for a family of two adults without children is 4,597 I read per month, and for a single adult it is 2,818 I read per month.
We remind you that since August of this year Law 174/2020 has been in force, which modifies and completes the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 217/2000 on the approval of the minimum monthly consumption basket. According to this law, the minimum consumption basket for a decent life is the main element in sustaining the basic gross minimum wage in the country guaranteed in the payment and salary policy.
The recalculation of the value of the basket was made based on the price indices reported by the National Institute of Statistics for September 2020 compared to September 2019.