The wife of the medical hero Cătălin Denciu: “I don’t think he would have survived in our country, Belgium is his chance at life”


“Belgium is his chance at life, in our country I don’t think he would have survived,” says the wife of Piatra Neamț’s medical hero with confidence.

After pulling patients out of the flames, Cătălin Denciu is in serious but stable condition at the Brussels hospital. He has burns on 70% of his body surface and needs dialysis. Hospital colleagues and patients who knew him pray for him.

Alina Denciu, phone, doctor’s wife: “He called me, he was on duty, the children and me. That’s all he told me, I have burns, but I’m not very serious. Probably in all that madness, he did not feel the severity of the injuries. I spoke with him until he The ambulance picked him up. Everyone was trying to groom him, catch a venous line, balance him, it’s a big shock. ”

Scared by what she had experienced, this is how Alina, a doctor, felt about her husband, who called her immediately after he went to the flames to save his patients. Together with their two children, they await news from doctors in Belgium in Piatra Neamț.

Alina Denciu, phone, doctor’s wife: ” Fantastic changes that I can’t wait for overnight. The fact that they managed to stabilize it and keep it stable … the first 3-5 days are critical. It gives me confidence and hope to get through this super acute phase and then enter another recovery phase for up to 3 weeks. It is your chance at life. I don’t think he would have had a chance to survive with us. “

Although initially, according to the rapid test of the Floreasca Hospital, she tested positive for SARS VOC 2, the test conducted in Belgium shows that Dr. Catalin Denciu is still NEGATIVE. News that gives the woman hope that at least with this invisible enemy she will not fight you again.

Ludovic Orban, Prime Minister: There was probably no real-time PCR test at Floreasca, because they didn’t have processing time, it could have been an antigen test. “

In the spring, the doctor overcame the coronavirus infection and in July and September donated plasma to save others.

Cătălin Denciu has been in the hands of specialists from Belgium for three days. He has burns in 70% of the body surface and at the time of transfer abroad there were suspicions of burns in the respiratory tract, and now he is reassessed and stabilized. He also underwent the first dialysis treatment and the doctors will examine him with a special scanner to see exactly the depth of the burns.

Dr. Thomas Rose, chief of burns at Queen Astrid Military Hospital: ” The patient suffered burns over a large part of his body due to the accident in Romania. My colleagues worked day and night to stabilize the general condition. If we look at the burns, it has about a 40% chance of survival. ”

And the patients that Cătălin Denciu treated saved in Piatra Neamț pray for him. The doctor has been at the forefront of the ATI since the beginning of the pandemic.

Viorel Iacoboaia, patient of Cătălin Denciu: “I want to tell you that I recognized the doctor for the blue eyes he has because because of the overalls that the medical personnel wear, I couldn’t see anyone’s face. Dr. Denciu is one of the doctors who gave me, in addition to medical attention, advice and moral support during my stay there. He, living the experience of spreading this virus a few months before me, good health especially to Dr. Denci, who I hope is in the prayers of all these days. ”

Cojan Ovidiu, priest of the church ” Sf, Ioan Domnesc ” Piatra Neamț: ” A perfect professional, a very entrepreneurial spirit and willing at any time to do everything possible to restore the health of those in the ATI department. From a religious point of view, I had the opportunity to meet him as a spiritual father, as a godfather, when some children became Christians. ”

Romanians in Belgium have formed support groups for Cătălin Denciu’s family and make their apartments available if he needs to receive relatives of the Romanian medical hero.
