It’s your fault, Nelule! | Reviews | Freedom


Early in the morning today, Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman called Prime Minister Orban to convey his condolences and offer the full support of the United States government, including assistance in investigating the cause of the fire and preventing similar tragedies. future ”, announced the US Embassy, ​​also on Facebook.

But both Prime Minister Orban and Ambassador Zuckerman have already moved hard to resume. The culprits have been identified. He was identified by world-class investigator Nelu Tătaru, this local Sherlock Holmes, who found the culprits by the simple deductions of his brilliant mind, no need for any investigation, forensic investigation, nothing.

As always, we are all guilty

Nelu knows who the culprits are and does not shy away from telling the truth, no matter how much it costs her: “Because of the 30-year situation, and because of the local authorities and the lack of involvement, I think that we are all guilty in this country, not just the medical system and not just local authorities, because we have agreed for 30 years to live in such a medical situation.

Do you understand, yes? “We are all guilty.” As usual, “all of us”. The fingerprints of 19,000,000 Romanians, or God forbid, were found on the premises of the ATI show in Piatra Neamț.

The signatures of 19,000,000 Romanians were detected in hospital documents, by order of health ministers, in government decisions, emergency ordinances and laws.

“All of us” must be guilty, because otherwise it would mean that a character like Nelu Tătaru has enough common sense, enough blood to take on the responsibilities that come with the driver, the constant salary, and everything else. facilities of a high dignitary of the Romanian state.

We always hear this, even always, in every tragedy, in every great accident, every time our consolation falters: “We are all guilty!”

Tatar washes his hands

NO, we are not all guilty! We have no choice!

This practice of collective guilt, deeply rooted in the Christian religion but used successfully in today’s progressive currents, is one of the most regrettable manipulations possible.

The ideology of original sin, on which all Christianity is based, is one that does not give the individual the right to exist in the absence of a savior.

The Savior was God for almost 2,000 years. After that, however, gradually, as businesses became secularized, politicians took their place. But the idea is the same: “we all” are sinners, even if we have not sinned at all, “all” are guilty, and that is why we need supreme courts to absolve us of sin or guilt, as the case may be.

It is just that Mr. Tataru, trying to wash his hands of any responsibility, in a gesture of cowardice common to almost all Romanian politicians, commits the supreme perjury of a dignitary.

Even in a democracy, the decision is not ours, for many. In fact, since things have been going on for a while, in so-called representative democracies, the decision belongs less and less to the voters. We express ourselves every four or five years, in various electoral cycles, and then suddenly we become uninteresting.

Not only are our voices no longer formally heard, but we are being shunted away from any brutal decision, we are being ignored with contempt. We are no longer allowed even debates, not even formal ones. Our leaders simply avoid any real confrontation with the voices of many.

We, most of us, take care of our own affairs, we work to pay in the first place the taxes without which politicians would not exist and only then to ensure a somewhat dignified life. If our job is to draw attention to the slide at the top of administration and politics, most of the time we do so as well until despair overwhelms us.

We don’t all cover ropes and slips

In Romania there are around 45,000 elected politicians, from local councilors to the country’s president. That’s it, 45,206. And if all the elected politicians plus those named were guilty of the fire in Piatra Neamț (but they are not, because here we cannot apply collective guilt either), we still could not say that we are to blame “for all”, just because they represent us .

From the moment they are elected, most politicians represent only themselves, their interests, and those of the gangs to which they belong.

The crowd called the Romanian people is too large, too abstract for any politician to truly represent their interests.

And so how can Nelu Tătaru come and, in one sentence, condemn all of us, absolutely all of us, for something we couldn’t even do? Because not all of us are silent, because not all of us accept this medical system, “this medical situation.” Not all of us participate in corruption in the health system, not all of us cover it. Not all of us have accepted the abuses of the local or central administration, not all of us have pretended not to see the increasingly serious slippage of the rulers. So how are “all of us” to blame? Based on what evidence? Or do trials in Romania no longer need evidence to convict millions of innocent people en masse?

We never had the power to make decisions

For Nelu Tătaru, November 14 is not the 233rd since he was Minister of Health, the 233rd in which he did not do everything humanly possible so that an accident like Piatra Neamț did not occur.

For Nelu Tătaru, November 14 is the date from which he has 22 days to become, for the first time in his life, a member of the Romanian Parliament.

He was also a senator for four years, between 2012 and 2016. Four years in which he was not even, as a doctor, a member of the Senate Public Health Committee.

No, it was handed over to commissions that lacked competence: the defense commission, the cult, minority and human rights commission, the judicial commission or the regulation commission. Between 2012 and 2016, Nelu Tătaru’s concern, as a senator and physician, doctor of medicine, for the Romanian health system was nil. He, Nelu, had the opportunity, for 4 years, to get involved from the legislative level in the reform of the health system and he did not. But he, Nelu, is not guilty, we are the guilty, who never had his power of decision.

It’s okay, neither Nelu nor others like him will resign, because it turns out that they are not held responsible or guilty. We, the taxpayers, the voters, are guilty. Let’s quit then! And let’s go to government after that, all of us guilty, hoping the prime minister will hold us accountable, severely.

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