The most respected nutritionist in the country: “Medicine has no specific methods to treat COVID-19. Food is a formidable weapon in these circumstances. “


The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, so all we have to do is protect ourselves by following sanitary measures and try to prepare our bodies for a possible fight against the disease, warns Dr. Nicolae Hâncu (80 years old). GP in diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases and honorary member of the Romanian Academy.

In an interview with “Weekend Adevărul”, the teacher detailed what and how we should eat to get our daily dose of vitamins and strengthen our immunity. The specialist also explained the role that sustained physical activity and restful sleep have in the fight against viruses.

“Weekend Adevărul”: Doctor, to what extent do our diet and lifestyle protect us from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Dr. Nicolae Hâncu: The new coronavirus continues to threaten us, and the COVID-19 pandemic is announced even more aggressive. Therefore, the fight against the virus must be made more intense, strictly avoiding contact with it (wearing a mask, washing hands very often, physically distancing oneself) but also through a lifestyle that strengthens us. At present, medicine does not have specific methods of prevention or treatment for COVID-19. This also applies to lifestyle, in which, at the moment, we have not identified any food or nutrient with specific action against SARS-CoV-2. However, the rigorous clinical observations to date, added to the experience of combating other respiratory viruses, allow us to recommend a lifestyle with potentially favorable action. So yes, healthy eating and physical activity, along with good sleep, are the vital foundation of fighting viruses. Living with the SARS-CoV-2 virus will last. It is up to our intelligence, will and discipline to turn it into a victory.

What would be the healthiest eating pattern recommended during this period?

Healthy eating is a formidable weapon against any infection, even under current circumstances. The healthiest eating model in the world is the traditional Mediterranean. Numerous studies provide compelling arguments for its benefits in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Its mechanisms of action are also known, based on which it is considered

potentially favorable in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We have adapted the Mediterranean diet to the customs and possibilities of Romania, in the form of the Carpathian-Danubian diet. These

The recommendations are for healthy people without specific symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, but also for those who are in quarantine after contact with already infected people. Those with chronic illnesses will discuss nutrition with their doctor.


What are the principles of the Carpathian-Danubian diet?

The diet is omnivorous, consisting of all food groups, predominantly vegetable, but also of animal origin. It is suggested to consume daily, in adequate and highly varied portions, vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts and seeds. Several times a week and in different combinations, it is good to eat legumes, lean meats, fish, shellfish, milk, dairy products, especially yogurt and eggs. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, corn, rapeseed) to replace daily animal fat. Avoid palm oil and coconut oil.

How should these foods be consumed?

The general rule of thumb is that food should be unprocessed, unrefined, whole (bread, pasta, rice) without excessive addition of salt or sugar. The salt can be replaced with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Fermented products: yogurt and cheese will be preferred. When cooking food, avoid roasting meat directly over the flame.

How many meals a day are indicated?

Three main meals a day and possibly two or three fruit-shaped snacks are recommended, but in no case pastries. Breakfast is a very important meal – it can make or break your day. Avoid late dinners and late night meals. Be careful with food portions, especially those that have weight problems. Weigh yourself daily and if you notice weight gain, reduce your portions.


What foods or drinks can we take without endangering our body?

The healthiest drink is water, sometimes combined with lemon juice and mint leaves. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten only occasionally; fruits and vegetables should be eaten, not drunk. Sweets and ice cream will also occasionally be consumed.

The exception is chocolate with a cocoa concentration of at least 80%. Coffee has beneficial effects on immunity, in moderate portions, if there are no contraindications for its consumption.

What about alcohol and tobacco?

Alcohol consumption should be moderate, but you should know that you can live, even very well, without it. More than ever, smoking is harmful and helps weaken the body.


What are the most beneficial vitamins in the fight against viruses?

The literature refers to the intake of vitamins A, B, C, D and E, in the form of food supplements. It is beneficial to consume preparations that contain zinc, selenium and iron. Probiotic supplements have remarkable potential potential, but you should discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist before using them. Its potential benefits are the result of studies that have demonstrated its effect of modulating immunity through various mechanisms. However, it does not refer to the specific action against SARS-CoV-2, but it is assumed that it would have similar effects in this case, because in other viruses the results were favorable. Therefore, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. A special situation occurs due to vitamin deficiency, demonstrated by laboratory tests, when its correction with medications or supplements is mandatory.


How much does sport help us during this period?

Physical activity is very important to strengthen the body. It stimulates immunity, metabolism, intestinal transit and favors joint mobility, especially in the elderly. Different forms of movement are recommended, depending on age, degree of training, the existence of other diseases. To be effective, the movement must be practiced daily, outdoors or at home, where a band or bicycle has a higher value than drugs. Don’t forget to do push-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, or refreshing gymnastics.

It is also recommended to stay active throughout the day. Let’s not become long distance television viewers and let’s not sit in front of the computer for more than an hour without taking a short break to move. Measure your steps on your phone or with a smart bracelet. Aim for 10,000 steps a day, regardless of the weather. Also activate family members: live together, especially with children. The cold season begins which, along with comfort, is a reason for physical inactivity. Find the right ways to get out of winter in good shape. Sun exposure is a natural source of vitamin D, so it’s a good idea to seek out the sun.

How important is sleep?

Restful sleep is part of our quality of life and health. Approximately seven to eight hours is sufficient, but it is essential that at least one hour is before midnight. Protect your sleep from noise and light. Do not lie down until two to three hours after dinner or after any form of vigorous physical activity.

CV Nicolae Hâncu

Name: Nicolae Dragoş Hâncu

Date and place of birth: July 1940, Blaj, county of Alba

Studies and career: In 1963, he graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the Cluj Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute. He is a primary care physician in diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases and emeritus professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca.

He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific articles published in the country and abroad, whose main topics addressed are the clinical management of type 2 diabetes, global cardiovascular risk and abdominal obesity.

He is Honorary President of the Romanian Federation of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases and President of the Romanian Association for the Study of Obesity.

Lives in: Cluj-Napoca

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