They don’t want the office or the earlier hours


The pandemic has changed the way we work for many of us. A global study shows that three-quarters of employees would not want to return to the same conditions in which they worked before the health crisis.

For many, the new rules have also had positive side effects, which they don’t want to give up, like working remotely or working flexible hours.

A study conducted in October in 18 countries with a sample of more than 8,000 employees in small and medium-sized companies found that around 75% of them would no longer want to work in the same conditions as before the pandemic.

Most of, 39% would like to stop having a standard work schedule, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Others wish they didn’t have to go to the same office diary.

32% would like even the work week not including five more days.

The main gain: time spent with family.

Many of these wishes are related to the positive side effects that many employees have felt due to the changes brought about by the pandemic. The main gain is considered the time spent with the family. Almost 50% of the respondents are happy that they were able to spend more time with their loved ones.

Another identified advantage is the opportunity to save money.

And the third, closely related to the first two, is remote work.

This new way of working, flexible From all points of view, it is the element that many employees would like to keep even after the health crisis. For this to happen, companies will have to adapt and invest in providing their employees with the necessary technology to have all the conditions in the office, in their own home. The study found that 38% of employees need this support.

Thus, companies need to increase and adapt the support they give to employees to maintain their level of productivity, connectivity and security.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
