New official data with 95% mortality in intubated COVID patients: in Arad, 3 out of 70 survived, in Timisoara, out of 149 saved 9 | News, News Romania | Freedom


After Libertatea presented the situation in the ATI section of the “Marius Nasta” Pneumoftiziology Hospital in Bucharest, where out of 44 intubated COVID patients, only 2 survived, two other large hospitals responded to editorial requests: COVID Hospital in Arad and the Hospital for Infectious Diseases. by Timisoara

COVID Arad Hospital: 4.3% survival rate in mechanically intubated patients

“So far, 70 patients have been treated with invasive mechanical ventilation and 67 have died,” said Adrian Wiener, coordinator of the Arad medical unit, a hospital with a 27-bed ATI ward.

Among the three survivors was a patient who was intubated for 50 days.

Dr. Adrian Wiener, Arad coordinator:

New official data with 95% mortality in intubated COVID patients: in Arad, of 70, 3 survived, in Timișoara, of 149 saved 9
Adrian wiener

“Not all beds are equipped with fans, but we also have oxygen devices in the rooms,” added the manager. It is not the lack of ventilators or beds, says Dr. Wiener, that has led to a mortality rate of more than 95% of patients, but the state of health, the fact that they were late, for various reasons, and the evolution of the disease.

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Timisoara Infectious Diseases Hospital: 6% survival rate of mechanically intubated patients

At the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timișoara, several patients were intubated, according to data provided by the Libertatea medical unit.

It is the hospital where, initially, Dr. Musta reported “the best survival rate in the country.” Meanwhile, things have changed.

“212 patients were hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. 149 were intubated, but unfortunately 140 did not survive,” said Dr. Cristian Oancea, manager of the Timisoara infectious diseases hospital.

2 out of 3 patients who arrive at ATI in Timisoara hospital die, and only 1 in 20 patients connected to the ventilator survive, actions that are also found in other hospitals.

New official data with 95% mortality in intubated COVID patients: in Arad, 70, 3 survived, in Timișoara, 149 saved 9
149 were intubated, but unfortunately 140 did not survive ”

“The survival rate of these critically ill patients, as far as I know, is around 10% in all COVID hospitals in the country,” says Dr. Cristian Oancea, unit manager in Timisoara.

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He said that among the 9 survivors of them there was a patient who was intubated for 5 weeks.

Mortality in ATI: 66% in “Infectious” Timișoara, 61% in “Marius Nasta”

Regarding the mortality rate due to ATI, for all the patients hospitalized there, not only the intubated ones, at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases of Timișoara it is 66%, and for Marius Nasta, in Bucharest, 61%.

In summary, the mortality rate in mechanically invasive intubated persons from the three hospitals that provided the information is:

  • “Marius Nasta” Bucharest: mortality 96.5%, of 44 people survived 2.
  • Covid Arad Hospital: 95.7% mortality, of 70 survived 3.
  • Timișoara Infectious Diseases Hospital: 94% mortality, of 149 survived 9.

ATI doctor: We need data, explanations

Doctors in Intensive Care consulted by Libertatea assure that these figures require explanations, but with data that unfortunately is lacking, although the newspaper has urged the Ministry of Health for months on the period of hospitalization until death, for example, a factor on which ATI doctors talk frequently.

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“Each case must be analyzed. It is very important, for example, to know the date on which the patient had the first positive PCR test and that date must be correlated with the length of stay,” explained an ATI doctor.

The delay in hospitalization could be, says the doctor, who asked to maintain confidentiality, one of the explanations for the high mortality in our ATI wards, because the European situation is better seen as a survival rate.

The doctor considers that “if the patient stayed too long at home and arrived at the hospital with an aggravation of the disease, with very affected lungs, then he arrived too late at the ATI. In this case, it is not the fault of the system. On the other hand, if the patient arrived at the hospital quickly after being diagnosed with the COVID disease and ended up dying in the ATI in a short time, then we can talk about a problem in the medical system, “added the doctor.

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