“Black Friday” at the Prahova Town Hall. 40 percent reduction in the number of employees.


At their meeting on Friday, November 13, 2020, Prahova County Councilors approved, by a large majority, the project initiated by President Iulian Dumitrescu regarding the reorganization and establishment of the number of seats for the specialized apparatus of the County Council of Prahova and the approval of the organization chart and its rules of organization and operation.

The new organization chart has provided a number of 146 positions in the CJ apparatus itself, compared to the current 247. That means a reduction of 101 positions. The positions in the new organization chart will be filled in accordance with legal provisions, based on competition.

According to the approved project, the restructuring determines an economy to the budget of the institution forecast for the years 2021-2024 in an amount of approximately

48,000 thousand lei, respectively 12,000 thousand lei annually, representing the costs with wages related to the employees who will lose their jobs.

Prahova County Council President Iulian Dumitrescu announced the abolition of two county council directorates, for a total of 164 more seats, and the evaluation of the county’s other public administration structures and institutions.

“The restructuring is aimed at the efficient management of limited financial resources and the reduction of personnel costs, as well as the improvement and rationalization of the functionality of the specialized apparatus of the Prahova County Council applying the principles of meritocracy and responsibility”, said the normative act initiated by Iulian Dumitrescu.

We specify that not all the positions to be restructured had an employee in the position.

The administrative apparatus restructuring was named by President Iulian Dumitrescu “Black Firday,” and the press release was accompanied by a poster announcing “40 percent reductions” at the County Council.

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