Baia Mare is in quarantine for two weeks. Restrictions imposed on the quarantine area


Baia Mare, which has reached a contagion rate of 6.47 per thousand inhabitants, is in quarantine for two weeks, starting Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. However, in churches baptisms, crowns and funerals are allowed with the participation of a maximum of 16 people, reports Mediafax.

The Maramureş County Committee for Emergency Situations announces that zone quarantines are being established, for a period of 14, in the city of Baia Mare.

The quarantine begins on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., according to the president of CJSU Maramureş, Prefect Nicolae-Silviu Ungur.

The main measures established refer to the prohibition of the movement of people in public spaces.

Baptisms, crowns and funerals can be celebrated in churches with up to 16 people.

Otherwise, the organization of weddings, baptisms, festive meals in closed and open spaces, the organization of private activities for children in open and closed spaces, playgrounds, extracurricular spaces is prohibited.

Restaurants, cafes, including terraces, inside and outside the buildings, cannot work. Gambling, activities with the public in beauty salons, hairdressers, hairdressers, tattoos, massages, tanning, activities with the public in hotels are prohibited, except for the accommodation of people who make trips of professional interest. Shows or concerts, or sports competitions, individual or collective, that take place in closed or open spaces cannot be organized, except for professionals organized by specialized federations.

The contagion rate in Baia Mare reached 6.47 per thousand inhabitants

Stores close at 9:00 p.m., except pharmacies and gas stations.

The number of people in hypermarkets, supermarkets and shops is limited to a maximum of 30% of the capacity.

On Saturdays and Sundays, shopping centers will temporarily suspend their activities for a period of 14 days, except those that sell food, pharmacies, dry cleaners or pet food stores.

Carriers passing through Baia Mare can stop at the stations.

The people of Baia Mare will receive a message through RO-ALERT.

The contagion rate in Baia Mare reached 6.47 per thousand inhabitants.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
