The secretaries fire Predoiu: ‘Either you rise to the level of minister or you go home and avoid making fun of us!’ – News by sources


The National Union of the Dicasterial Judicial Registry reacts harshly to the press conference of the Minister of Justice, Cătălin Predoiu, in which the problem of Sars-Cov-2 infections was superficially discussed in courts and prosecutors, although there are hundreds of cases and even three deaths. The secretaries accuse Predoiu of being more concerned with the electoral campaign than with the administration of justice.

Message from SNGJ Dicasterial:

“In the middle of the electoral campaign, under the pretext of a press conference with a markedly politicized character, as a representative of the Ministry of Justice, Cătălin Predoiu got into difficulties, faced with questions, on the subject, approached by journalists and revealed what that the judiciary accuses the ministry of mismanagement, both in handling the pandemic and in the problems of the system in general.

It is well known that the courts and prosecutors of Romania have become authentic sources of Covid-19, an aspect that is publicly demanded both by our union organization and by professional associations of magistrates, Minister Predoiu still does not know what to do as Minister of Justice and is publicly exempt from liability.

As proof, more than 9 months after the declaration of the pandemic, the minister has no record of infections in the system, and today, November 10, 2020, at around noon, the ministry asked the appeal courts and district courts a situation about… ATTENTION! the number of magistrates and specialized auxiliary personnel who were diagnosed with Covid-19. Although the press conference was announced yesterday!

First of all, we can observe the indolence of this request, since it is obvious that an employee found positively attracts in self-isolation another 5-6 colleagues, without counting lawyers or litigants, with whom he came into contact. Without forgetting that in the justice system there are also public officials, contracted personnel and related.

Second, it was not the Minister of Justice who requested this situation from the courts and prosecutors, but a person outside the judicial system, through a request based on Law No. 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest.

Asked by journalists at the conference, the Minister of Justice said that even at this time he did not know exactly the situation of infections in the Judiciary, arguing that “they have not yet been centralized” (of course not, because asked them today), citing the fact that not all the information was sent to him from the prosecutors’ offices, and from the courts of appeal, from what he received so far, it turns out that there are currently around 546 employees infected with Covid-19, of which 5 were hospitalized in the ATI ward and 3 people died. ATTENTION! We have 3 deceased companions!

As I said, the Minister of Justice, who was on an electoral campaign, technically addressed this issue with a dry answer, without showing any empathy towards the families of the deceased, to whom he did not even send a message of condolences. At the same time, he did not give any guarantee that the Ministry of Justice will take all necessary measures to prevent more deaths in the future, because it completely ignored the search for solutions.

Basically, he spent less than 3 minutes on this topic. But when it came to changing the laws of justice, the heavy legacy and the attacks on the previous government, he seemed to want an electoral debate.

When asked by journalists how he intends to manage the operation of the country’s courts and prosecutors so as not to restrict access to justice and, at the same time, prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus in these institutions, the Minister of Justice, Cătălin Predoiu replied nonchalantly to consult with the SCM to see if legislative intervention is needed. In other words, you have no idea! Or he just doesn’t care …

Although the nations of the world are looking for solutions to handle this pandemic, Cătălin Predoiu today continued his electoral campaign attacking political opponents, although he must handle the situation of the pandemic in the system he leads, his role being to solve the real existing problems. , who has been training for a long time, some even since his previous tenure at the Ministry of Justice

In the end, obviously disturbed by questions from journalists about the Covid-19 justice outbursts, Cătălin Predoiu patted himself and did exactly what he shouldn’t, blaming the chaotic management on the DSPs and judicial leaders . courts and prosecutors attached to them.

We assure you that we will expose, one by one, all the cover-ups in the Judiciary.

Minister Predoiu, we remind you that you do not have the position to rest or execute party orders, but you are there to work for the citizens, even for the employees of justice and to make sure that any problem communicated has at least two solutions, of the which one to be adopted.

Therefore, we send you the following message:

Either you elevate yourself to the level of minister (of Justice) or you go home and avoid making fun of us! “
