US BOMB: Mike Pompeo Announces Donald Trump’s Second Term – Source News


US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo on Tuesday refused to acknowledge Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election and promised a “smooth transition” to a “second” term for Republican Donald Trump. , reports AFP.

Asked about the steps taken by the State Department, a key national security ministry, to help transition the president-elect teams, he replied: “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” writes

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“We will count all the votes,” he said at a press conference, and assured that leaders from around the world are aware that this is “a legal process” that “will take time.”

“The world must have full confidence that the transition required for the State Department to be operational today and with the president in office on January 20 in the afternoon will be a successful transition,” continued the Secretary of State. state.

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“This ministry is fully committed to ensuring that elections throughout the world are safe, free and fair, and my agents risk their lives to make this happen,” he insisted, considering it “ridiculous” to be asked about the risk he runs. Donald Trump’s position to undermine these efforts.

Numerous leaders of America’s allies, from France to Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, congratulated Joe Biden on the electoral victory.

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But the current Republican president refuses to acknowledge his defeat and has promised to fight in court to overturn the results, without providing evidence of the massive “fraud” he denounces.

In the Republican field, some moderate senators recognized the victory of the Democrat, others supported Donald Trump in his statements, while the majority emphasized that it is their right to appeal, but did not repeat the accusations of fraud.

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Mike Pompeo, one of Trump’s most loyal ministers, seems to rank among Republicans in the incumbent president’s camp who want to go all the way.
