Biden won. What? Trump lost. How? 8 things you may not have thought about | Reviews | Freedom



Biden’s victory speech highlighted an idea that our analysts are parroting.: Okay, only now is the United States getting “great again”, getting “even bigger”, that is, regaining the title of champion of global liberalism.

But here it is also a historical event rather than a project. Going back to “normal” before Trump is an aberration. One means the victorious United States in the 1990s after the Cold War; otherwise it now looks like a geopolitical design. Until another, in Davos about 3 years ago, Xi Jinping defended global free trade.

So, a super-large America, that America revealed by wikileaks, with offices around the world where Geoana and Basescu went to tell their vision of life, has changed infinitely.

Anyone who imagines that American diplomacy will change overnight because Biden has won must be more than naive.

As someone rightly said, Trump lied a lot, but Trump sometimes told the brutal truth, as politicians do not.

That brutal truth will still be there, even if he’s no longer a clown to post it on Twitter.


Does the struggle begin within the democratic front?

Given a historic turnout, the losing Trump got a lot of votes. Not only for, but against. Biden was one of the weaker variants of the Democrats, but the most beloved variant of the big donors, the corporations, and their lobbyists.

Without the efforts of the left wing of the Democratic Party, the election would have been truncated in Trump’s favor. The efforts of Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Carl Bush, and many others have provided that essential advantage. But now comes the bill.

The progressive front wants the demands on the agenda. Biden is used to lobbying and doesn’t like taxes or utilities either, because he’s just the representative of the Delaware tax haven.

Will we have struggles like in Britain, within the Labor Party, of the centrists who do not want to change anything against a Corbyn Social Democrat? There is this possibility. Until another, should we keep wondering how weak Biden must have been not to beat the disastrous Trump with enthusiasm?


Who voted for Trump?

He made insulting comments about women, African Americans, ethnic groups from Central and South America. He managed to get more out of these communities than in previous elections. Why? In addition to situations such as Cuban or Venezuelan communities voting for the right for reasons that are easy to understand, there is a more important observation, highlighted by many.

Somehow, the indifference of the democratic establishment towards the economic situation of certain social categories pushes the electorate towards the Republican Party through an anti-establishment reflex.

When you analyze only demographically, you are wrong. You have to introduce many other constants, economic, religious (there are some landslides in support of Catholics, who, apparently, have not supported Trump as a whole). Trump has improved his score in almost every category except white men, Matt Taibbi observed.

Polls show amazing things too, not just prediction errors. 41% of Americans consider COVID to be the main problem. Of them, Biden won about three-quarters.

But 28% of Americans believe that the first concern should be the economy. In this category, Trump won 80%! This shows how anemic Biden was, in fact, on the social and economic side.

Biden is completely incredible on the subject of attacking American inequalities. For some Americans, he was even less credible than Trump.


Kamala Harris was proposed by all as a symbol of progressivism

The vice president-elect brings a long list of awards in American politics.

With magnificent involuntary humor, Cristian Tudor Popescu called her “Codruța Kovesi of America”. Kamala Harris has distinguished herself as a prosecutor for relentless policies against the poor in California.

The pro-democratic press left a shock document to “others.” It’s clear evidence that Harris exempted one of Trump’s men involved in illegally evicting Americans from their homes during the real estate crisis 10 years ago.

Harris was polite and didn’t take on Wall Street heavy boys who were abusing like a book, instead, he was seen hunting a squirrel, little crooks.

Harris has nothing to do with progressivism, he is an establishment candidate in all his power, absolute conformism and careerism. That is why I say that CTP has humor, it really does look like Kovesi, but not for the reasons that the god of journalism believes.


The US lobby is already preparing for the big attack

The attack is against Biden’s “radical” promises to win the party’s left wing. I have no doubt that they will succeed.

Biden is also known as a procrastinator by trade, putting off any tougher decisions until the end.

The attack on the big banks, the attack on inequality, health for all (proposed by Warren and Sanders) were very popular with voters. The lobbyist gamble: how do we postpone them until we discredit them completely?


The battle for the Senate is not over

And that benefits someone like Biden, who will be able to say that he cannot make “radical” decisions (that is, do something in the area of ​​redistribution, anti-inequality) due to the poor results of the party against the Republicans. For example, he had proposed a tax increase for the big banks (to raise around 9 billion), but you can see that he will not succeed.


It’s good that Trump is gone. But there can be no victory without hope, without enthusiasm for the American Democrats.

And that casts new shadows of unrest and insecurity in many parts of the world. The hope of a global “clarification” is funny and tragic. Biden does not clarify anything, neither the internal divisions in the US, nor the global tensions.


In Romania, he searched intensively for photos of Biden

Biden and Cioloș also appeared, even Judge Cristian Dănileț posted a photo of Biden on Facebook. I haven’t seen Biden with Iohannis. But it’s okay. The hysterical gun purchasing policy will not change. We will not move to intelligence diplomacy in this part of the world. Let’s be calm, we’ve been unleashed for a long time. We know that nobody loves us unless we sign contracts that harm us.

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