Breaking news. The hardest restriction changes. Ludovic Orban agreed


Starting Monday, all public markets in Romania will be closed, in the context of new measures taken by the authorities to reduce the number of infections by the new coronavirus.

The announced move prompted many Romanian mayors to contact Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and ask him to reopen markets. The mayors also affirm that Romanian producers must be supported in every way and people must know that markets are open and that they can buy basic food.

Thus, the Prime Minister of Romania, Ludovid Orban, was persuaded by the mayors’ message and said that where air markets can be organized, this would be the best solution. “Some are trying to run a full campaign, because we have what we have with local producers. It’s very stupid! We have to assure local producers, I repeat – local – because in the markets of Bucharest there are many intermediaries who do not have any land ”, said Ludovic Orban.

In Sebeș, the markets remain open

Mayor Dorin Nistor of Sebeș, Alba County, wrote on Facebook that he spoke to the prime minister on the subject of agri-food markets.

“During this morning, I had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Ludovic Orban, whose main topic was agri-food markets. The message that we want to transmit and in whose messenger they become communication with all the mayors of the Alba region is that the agri-food markets that are part of the characteristics of open and airy spaces, maintain their functionality. We want this message to reach agricultural producers, who need support during this period. In addition, consumers want to buy fresh Romanian products, which are in the generous offer of our markets, especially in autumn.

I remind you that the Sebeș market has had an uninterrupted activity since the beginning of this pandemic, being our concern as a local public administration to better organize the operational program, clean up spaces and provide support to producers and merchants, who have received visors and were constantly instructed to comply with health protection measures, “wrote Mayor Nistor.

At Deva, the market will continue to operate outside

Deva Mayor Nicolae Florin Oancea says he understands the measures taken by those concerned with fighting the pandemic, but nevertheless, measures must be taken so that markets can function.

For example, in Deva, the stalls will be brought out into the open and the market will remain open. “Basically, the vegetable and fruit stalls will be removed from the Central Market, in the vicinity, where the Deva City Council will ensure the conditions for civilized, open-air commerce on three sides of the Central Market. The shops inside the Central Plaza will continue their activity, respecting all the health protection measures imposed by the pandemic. In addition, the Deva City Council will organize air markets, in the open air, in the Deva neighborhoods, ”says Mayor Oancea.

In Sector 6 of Bucharest, the new mayor Ciprian Ciucu affirms that air markets will be organized to which Romanian producers will have access in the immediate vicinity of the markets. “Tomorrow we will communicate the solutions found for each of the markets in our Sector. I also had a discussion on this issue with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and I assured him that neither the Romanian producers, nor the inhabitants of the sector are going to have problems after the closing of the markets in closed spaces, ”said Ciucu.

The city of Brâncuși will have open markets

The mayor of Târgu Jiu, Marcel Romașcanu, says that air markets will be organized in the city so that people can buy the food they need. “To protect local producers, after the discussions we had a few minutes ago with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, the consultations with various producers but also with other liberal mayors, we can organize flying markets at the request of businessmen. Therefore, agricultural producers are encouraged to request the organization of such markets. No matter how difficult the situation is, we can find solutions if we consult and especially if we talk to people and listen to their wishes, ”says Roma sayscanu.
