Who are the “narrow minds” and how do they relate to the US elections? CTP: Trumpism will remain


The journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu commented on Digi24 on Friday night about the situation in the United States after the presidential elections on November 3, being of the opinion that Donald Trump “will be chained” to the chair of the White House and will not accept the defeat. But America’s problem runs much deeper and has much deeper roots, CTP said. And to explain what happened in the United States, the journalist introduced on stage the character he calls “narrow mind”, a character that exists not only in the United States, but everywhere, including Romania.

The citizen with his head in the refrigerator

Narrow mind, “narrow mind” in English, means someone who lives in his head, for example a Romanian citizen who does not live in Romania, does not live on planet Earth and does not live in the 21st century, although, physically, he is in Romania . , is on Earth in the 21st century. This man does not think beyond his garden: his house, his circle of relatives, some people and that’s it. For him, the others do not exist. For him, the planet does not exist: “What interests me is that Trump removed the United States from the Paris Pact against Climate Change? That I have to do? Pact, changes, Paris? think to yourself. “Friend, you are going to die, your children are going to suffocate in the streets of this planet for that!” you could answer. “I’m not interested, sir, I’m interested in having a beer now,” he said. It is the citizen with his head in the refrigerator.

He does not live in the 21st century. If he could be teleported back in time now, in the eighteenth or seventeenth century, he wouldn’t notice much of a difference, there would be no problem for him. Sure, it would be harder for him without a cell phone, but he finds ways to make up for it. It doesn’t bother him. Because all the developments that have taken place in human thought so far do not concern you, you do not care. Ask him, for example, what are the planets of the Solar System! He has no idea and, moreover, he does not know and does not want to know: “What interests me, sir?”

These people do not exist only in Romania, they also live in the United States, CTP noted.

The situation in America: “I was at the scene and found it swollen,” said Nina Cassian.

Speaking of the post-election situation in the United States, the journalist recalled an expression from Nina Cassian: “I was at the scene and found it swollen.” In America right now, the Earth is bumpy, hooded, said CTP, who confessed that in American politics, his youngest son is the teacher and he is the one who taught him a lesson. He called him Wednesday morning and told him that Biden would win, because Wisconsin won, and Wisconsin comes with Michigan and Pennsylvania. These are the states that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, the “blue collars”, the workers, the blue collars that the Democrats lost. And if Wisconsin goes back to the Democrats and the other two go back to the Democrats, his son explained and he was right.

(CTP commented amusingly about the “Cap Limpede” show and the video, which went viral, with Trump’s spiritual advisor chasing away demons. It’s the perfect joke, says the journalist.)

A Trump voter can only have a narrow mind.explained CTP. “It just came to our knowledge then narrow-minded It doesn’t mean he’s stupid, no, he can be very good at his job, be smart at what he does. I am not saying that he is a bad man, he may be a good man, but he is a narrow mind: he only wants to think here, around him, what he sees, as though through horse glasses. You can perform in that niche of yours, but it stays there! “said Cristian Tudor Popescu.

Trump is attacking planet Earth

What is the main problem with Trump? Trump is attacking planet Earth, says CTP.

Some of those who voted for Biden said they voted against Donald Trump. Why? Because “Joe Biden did not harass the United States, he did not divide it as Trump did. Trump has always ruled out his opponents. (…) He is trying to invent electoral fraud out of thin air, he has no evidence. Overflowing his mind, Trump. Before I could stop him, like some football advisers, he started tweeting: STOP THE COUNT. Well, what does that mean? He said it when the score is 253-213 for Biden. Okay, let’s stop. Well, “This is where Biden wins! I mean, what did he mean? Keep the tally in the states where I win and stop it in the states where the Democrats win. This has gone so far! It has come to attack what is sacred in the America: the rule of law, democracy, the rule of law, established for 240 years. He did not hesitate to expose the United States to the Russian guild at this time: Weak US democratic electoral process, has many holes they are the Kremlin’s comments ”- CTP commented.

The journalist thinks that all this tension does not end here. “Trump will be president until January 21. He hopes to be behind. He will not leave the White House. He even said that it is normal for people to resort to violence in Pennsylvania because we were robbed. He is simply urging voters to storm the polls and stop the “robbery” that is on his head. It is no coincidence that the intelligence services have stepped up surveillance and security around Joe Biden’s home in Delaware because they fear an attack. he wants to kill Joe Biden, “he said.

The court of Dorneanu in America

“So Trump is not going to go easily. He will use all means. He hasn’t used the Supreme Court yet! The Dorneanu court, that’s the United States Supreme Court. Trump put his people there. When it comes to Trump, you can do anything, he will try anything, I give it to him in writing. Any means, always scoundrels, not to get out of there, he cannot accept defeat, it is a problem in his mind “- said Cristian Tudor Popescu.

But the problem is elsewhere, emphasized the journalist.

Trump is not new, Trump is old

“Even if in Trump’s case they will separate him from the White House chair, to which they will chain him, even if they take him out of there, the trumpet will remain. There are 69 million people who voted what? They voted a lie, they voted hypocrisy, cynicism, contempt for the people, total irresponsibility in relation to the image of the United States, in connection with high-level political reasons, exposing American democracy to total ridicule, ”said CTP.

“Trump is not new, Trump is old. There’s this part of the American black soul that surfaces every now and then and takes over. Do you know where? The origin is very distant, it is right in Declaration of Independence, where it was said that all people (“men”) are created equal and free to seek life, freedom, happiness. They are “men”, not “human beings” (human beings), that is, white men. Blacks and women were not taken into account. From the beginning. In the great American revolution. Thomas Jefferson, the main author, had hundreds of slaves until the last moment of his life. And this was reflected in the 1920s, with the revitalization of the Ku Klux Klan, and in World War II, with the deportation of the Japanese from the West Coast. Then this evil will return, it will not disappear. It is not ruled out that Trump will run again in four years, “said the journalist.

“If America stops being good, then America stops being great,” CTP concluded with a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville, a thinker who deeply analyzed democracy in the United States.
