The change of face to PSD. How Ciolacu wants to confront the NLP before the elections: the main lines of communication in the electoral campaign – Politics


Social Democrats are riding the wave of the coronavirus epidemic and trying to speculate on uncertainty and fear. PSD’s strategy for the election campaign focuses on a single message: the health of Romanians is the number one priority and only we can offer solutions. The PSD official wants to show that he has concrete solutions, that he has been reformed and is ready to return to government with a team of specialists willing to offer a new health and economic perspective. Behind closed doors, the PSD seeks solutions to mobilize its own electorate and hopes to convince the anti-PSD electorate that it has reformed.

In the meeting of the PSD leadership with the leaders of the territory, the message was clear: the party will win the elections and enter the government. Marcel Ciolacu gave the organization’s leaders the message through which they must mobilize assets in the territory: “The PSD has surpassed the PNL in the polls, and after the elections we entered the government.”

Beyond the encouraging statements, the Social Democrats have several pressing problems that they need to solve in order to score above NLP. The first and most important issue is the mobilization of the electorate itself to go to the polls, in the context of the growing number of COVID-19 cases.

PSD sources told that the Social Democrats have not yet discovered the solution to mobilize the electorate. In the context of the increase in the number of COVID-19 infections and with supporters averaging 45 to 85 years of age, the PSD has a real problem if it fails to create a strong emotion that drives voters out of the house.

In this epidemiological context, the campaign will be atypical for both the PSD and its electorate.

The second problem that the current party leadership has to solve is that of the anti-PSD electorate.

Thus, the Social Democrats decided that the campaign strategy should not be aggressive, but constructive, that it should bring solutions. In addition, they want to show that they have been reformed, that they have renounced the toxic characters and changed the laws of Justice.

“We do not want it to be a campaign with aggressive attacks. In the current health context, it is not necessary to encourage the anti-PSD electorate to come to the polls. Obviously, the government and the president must be sanctioned, but productively, it offers solutions. People are afraid, they need the security of tomorrow. The message we have to send is that of security, that PSD is the solution and that we have specialists who will be able to manage the health situation, “explained the sources quoted.

The main public messages used by PSD:

Health. The first and most important theme that PSD promotes in the campaign is health. The main communicator is Alexandru Rafila, doctor, representative of Romania in the WHO and a credible voice in the field of health. Rafila collects weekly the errors of the Orban Government and presents solutions and proposals to reduce the number of cases.

In each public appearance, PSD leaders emphasize that they asked the president for consultations on the health situation, that they have specialists they can make available to the Government and that the political struggle must be put aside because the health of Romanians is a priority.

  • Marcel Ciolacu on Facebook: “PSD has simple, clear and coherent solutions to combat the pandemic. Iohannis and PNL have no plans. PSD specialists are ready to have a transparent discussion with the NLP people. Our measures against the of them. Professor Alexandru Rafila and all PSD specialists are trained. The health of Romanians must come first! “
Party reform. Through an image exercise, PSD decided to shoot a series of leaders who were part of the old guard of the party. Specifically, several members of the PSD were excluded when drawing up the lists for the parliamentary elections. At the official level, it was the organizations that proposed candidates, but in reality the party leadership cut off the lists the people it wanted to get rid of. Basically, in settling scores, the PSD leadership removed Marian Oprișan, Viorica Dăncilă, Florin Iordache, Eugen Nicolicea and Șerban Nicolae dead. Instead, the PSD wants to win the parliamentary elections with renowned doctors such as Alexandru Rafila, Adrian Streinu-Cercel or Patriciu Achimaș-Cadariu, but behind these names are controversial candidates.

  • Marcel Ciolacu: “We have decided that no criminal will be on the PSD lists. We have decided to open the party. We have decided that the number one priority must be to overcome this health crisis. There are many doctors who continue to operate and go to Parliament. Doctors remain in the system. (…) There were some abuses, the PSD did not find the best communicators. It was a fatal mistake for us, the Romanians sanctioned us. But now we have brought in a new group of specialists from the public system and the sector. I am firmly convinced that there will be no more abuses in the legislation. ” (Freedom)

Economy. Another issue that the PSD is marching on in the election campaign is the economy during the pandemic and the measures needed to block a financial crisis. The first vice president of the PSD, Sorin Grindeanu, the communicator on this subject, publicly accused the Orban government of “avoiding” presenting the draft budget for 2021 because “it hides tax increases”, but also a possible agreement with the IMF.

  • Sorin Grindeanu: “According to the information we have, the draft budget for next year will not only involve increases in taxes and tariffs, so the government avoids being transparent. In fact, we demand transparency. This seems to be the case. We will continue to demand transparency in the draft budget for 2021. I and others believe that the lack of transparency hides something, beyond the tax increase, a possible agreement with the IMF. bad thing, but the Romanians have to find out. That is what we say ”.
Education. Another issue with which the PSD hopes to increase its electoral score is the issue of education. For this issue, Social Democrats make heavy use of online messages accusing liberals of completely abandoning education.

  • Message on PSD’s official website: “In NLP’s vision, school means online courses without internet access and lessons taught on television for those without access to electricity. Under Orban’s damaging leadership, schools They are closed for students, but open for PSD requires the application of the #European model in education: safe and open schools! “

At the same time, the communicator on this issue is Gabriela Firea, head of the PSD Bucharest organization, who on Thursday asked the authorities to reopen schools in Bucharest, demonstrating that their closure causes both economic and educational damage. Firea claims that it is counterproductive to close schools only for a few isolated cases and called for massive testing of students and teachers: “Implement the program that I started as mayor general: evaluate students and teachers, if necessary and parents, to isolate only situations that arise. It is an aberration to close all schools because there have been several cases. “

Another issue that the PSD leadership takes into account is to keep the allies close, so they do not divide the votes of the left-wing electorate. The PSD leadership fears that PRO Romania and the smaller satellite parties PP-USL and PER could break with the left-wing votes.

In fact, the main left-wing opponent of the PSD, PRO Romania, has already started the attacks. Víctor Ponta accuses members of the PSD of counterattacking with the NLP and is already using the message on electoral banners.

This explains the clear message that the president of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, made public: PSD “categorically” excludes entering the government with the PNL or voting for a minority government of the PNL.

  • Marcel Ciolacu:The discussions within the party are very clear: we will not participate in a government with NLP, in any way. And under no circumstances will we vote for a minority NLP government, regardless of offers made to various PSD leaders, including myself, or an offer to participate in the government. We cannot, Romania cannot continue with this prime minister after these disastrous months for the health of Romanians and for the Romanian economy. There is no area of ​​economic activity in which this government has acted consistently ”(DC News).

In addition, the party president publicly announced that the PSD is preparing for the government and will present a government made up of specialists. Ciolacu said in an interview with that if the PSD wins the parliamentary elections on December 6, the government could be led by a technocrat, and the ministers will include Professor Alexandru Rafila and Leonard Azamfirei, the rector. Târgu Mureș University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The electoral campaign officially begins on Friday, November 6. PSD management will meet periodically and analyze the campaign strategy throughout the month.
