“Maradona can go.” Miraculous recovery after brain surgery. What your doctor says


  • League 1: AstraClinceni Academic, Friday, five pm, Digi Sport 1

  • League 2: PetroleumQuick, Friday, 19:00, Digi Sport 1

“The recovery process is going very well. The last CT scan was excellent and we are very happy. He is eager to leave the hospital. Our plan is to keep him at least one more day, if only for the doctors, until the doctors at the hospital agree that you are in the necessary conditions to be discharged.

He can walk, talk to me, and appear much more lucid. Of course it is too early, but progress is excellent. When he is discharged, we will continue to keep him under surveillance at his home. “said Dr. Leopoldo Luque.

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Maradona, brain surgery

November 4 Diego Maradona he underwent brain surgery and on day 5 he can walk and communicate, which is incredible progress. The former great Argentine soccer player needed surgery after a subdural hematoma was discovered after a CT scan.

“The subdural hematoma was evacuated successfully. Diego was very well during the surgery. He is awake and everything is fine.”, transmitted the doctor who operated on Maradona, Leopoldo Luque, immediately after the operation, according to CNN.

Maradona He arrived at the hospital just three days after his 60th birthday on October 30. Suddenly he was injured and suspected of coronavirus, but the test performed was negative.

Doctors noted that Diego Maradona suffers from anemia and depression, and the agitation caused by the last match played by the team that coaches, Gymnastics and Fencing La Plata, it would have weakened him in recent days.

  • Maradona scored 34 goals in 90 games for Argentina
  • He played in four editions of the World Cup: Spain 1982, Mexico 1986, Italy 1990, USA 1994

Tags: Maradona , Diego Armando Maradona , maradona operated
