“I found a staff structure full of party files, unwilling to work”


Iulian Dumitrescu (PNL), the new president of the Prahova County Council, will propose on Friday, November 6, the abolition of 101 positions in the institution’s own apparatus and two departments that add more than 210 employees.

“The current staff structure of the Provincial Council, on the one hand I found it covered, without the desire to work, without a clear culture of objectives, on the other hand, let’s say, full of partisan files,” he said. Dumitrescu explained the decision.

In addition, the new president of the CJ affirms that these employees would “take away” the objectives that were proposed.

“From what I learned in school, from life experience, you know that I had the opportunity to study a lot in this country or in this world, I did it at Harvard, there they teach you when you start a job you have to set goals, strategy, your mission and then you have to have a structure that follows these objectives, this strategy. Our strategy would be>, the slogan of the campaign, which means for us to be in the first place to attract European funds, to an efficient administration, to create new positions work, have new hospitals, cleaning.

To do this, you need a staff structure capable of executing these goals. The current staff structure of the Diputación, on the one hand, I found it covered, without wanting to work, without a clear culture of objectives, on the other hand, let’s say, full of partisan files, so the current structure would only do what we We proposed to do as goals and what awaits the people who voted for us to go rape. That is why we decided to propose a new organization chart of the specialized apparatus of the CJ and also the abolition of two Directorates ”, explained the new president of the Prahova City Council about the decision to carry out dismissals within the structure to which he was elected.

He also cited the “responsibility to spend money” which he said was “not much.”

Thus, Iulian Dumitrescu announced that for the specialized apparatus of the Prahova City Council, which currently has 247 people, the reduction was proposed by 101 people. 15 of the 27 managerial positions would disappear.

“The economy in CJ’s budget would be about 120 billion lei a year or, for four years, 480 billion lei,” explained the new head of the institution.

He also stated that eight firefighters are employed who are tasked with putting out fires in the CJ, with salaries of 5,000 to 6,000 lei.

Dumitrescu announced that he also proposes the abolition of the County’s Highway Plant and Maintenance Department, which has 55 positions, where salaries amount to 4 million lei, the equivalent of what the department’s employees “produced” in one year.

“Basically 55 people worked to produce a turnover of 15,000 lei per day or a profit of 1,500 lei to pay 55 people. Here the economy, if we outsourced maintenance, would be at least four million lei per year, that means 16 million for four years, ”Iulian Dumitrescu also stated.

The new head of the Prahova Provincial Council also supports the abolition of the Provincial Security Directorate within the Provincial Council, which has 159 positions and guarantees the security of the targets, held by the Provincial Council, providing security, partially and after contracts with individuals.

“In the Security Department it costs us 30 lei an hour plus maintenance, equipment and everything else there, what we find at this time outsourced costs us 13-14 lei an hour and obviously we cannot continue like this. Here normally the economy would be 80,000 million lei a year. In total, it would be almost a billion lei in four years, ”Dumitrescu also stated.

He specified that of the total of 101 places that would be abolished in the very apparatus of the Diputación, ten are vacant, the rest are occupied.

The dismissals that would occur after the modification of the organization chart proposed by the new president of the Prahova City Council could occur if the CJ members elected on September 27 vote on the proposal.

In theory, the PNL, of which Iulian Dumitrescu is a member, forms a majority together with USR-PLUS, the three parties that go together to the local elections of CJ Prahova.

The president of the Prahova County Council affirms that “the analysis will continue in the rest of the institutions subordinate to the Prahova County Council.”
