Iohannis called for new measures: all schools, closed, traffic restricted at night, shops open only until 21


President Klaus Iohannis told the government meeting on Thursday that stronger measures are needed to control the spread of the pandemic, including restricting nighttime traffic and moving schools to the Internet.

In turn, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban specified that all the measures announced by the president will be transposed in a Government Decision, which will take effect on Monday, November 9.

Statement from Iohannis at the beginning of the Government meeting:

– We are worried. Today we had about 10,000 new cases of people who got sick. We have to be realistic. Stronger measures are needed to control the spread of the pandemic.

– The measures taken so far are no longer sufficient.

– National measures are needed, such as schools connecting to the Internet, employees and the public and private to go to work whenever possible, shops must close at night, night traffic must be restricted, parties must be forbidden fairs and markets must be closed, the use of a mask must be mandatory throughout the country.

– We want to control the spread of the pandemic, but at the same time we want to continue economic activity.

– The electoral campaign will take place under very strict conditions.

– Democracy cannot be bracketed, elections must take place even under these conditions.

Ludovic Orban, at the beginning of the Government meeting:

– All these measures must be transposed into a Government Decision, which will enter into force on Monday.

The epidemic is spreading fast in Romania! The official report of Thursday 5 November, shows that 9,714 new cases of Covid-19 infection were registered in just 24 hours.

In addition, more than 120 names were included, in the same interval, in the list of deaths.

The Government will approve, at this meeting, the supplement to the budget of the Ministry of Health for the payment of Romania’s voluntary contribution in the global response to the coronavirus pandemic to identify a vaccine against COVID-19, as well as the Development Strategy of Railway Infrastructure 2021-2025.

According to a statement cited by Agerpres, the Executive has on its agenda a memorandum on the granting of individual state aid for the restructuring of the Commercial Company “Compañía Nacional de Transporte Aéreo de Romania – TAROM” SA, in order to restore viability of the company in the long term, as well as information on the stage of preparation and organization of the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

The agenda of the Government meeting includes two draft ordinance, one modifying Ordinance 4/2019 on the reorganization of the national system for the classification of bovine, pig and sheep carcasses and monitoring, control and notification of market prices channels and live animals, and another to modify the law for the sale of agricultural land located outside the urbanized area and the law for the privatization of companies that own public and private land owned by the State for agricultural purposes and the establishment of the Domain Agency of the State.

Among the draft government decisions that will be discussed at the meeting are: approval of technical and economic indicators of the investment objective “Expansion of the port infrastructure of Calafat (km 795) and systematization of the port’s railway system – stage I”, approval of measures at the level of safety and protection in the operation of the National Electric Power System and the realization of safety stocks of fuels and volume of water in the accumulation lakes for the period November 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021.

At the same time, the Government also approves the draft decision on the income and expenses budget for 2020 of Compañía Nacional de Uranio SA, the methodological standards for the application of Government Ordinance No. 44/2004 on the social integration of foreigners who have acquired international protection or a right of residence in Romania and of citizens of the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area and of citizens of the Swiss Confederation.

The executive also examines the draft decision transferring the right of administration of a part of the building of the Ministry of the Interior – Police Academy “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” between subordinate units of the Ministry of the Interior in order to build a hospital for emergency to guarantee the quality requirements of the medical act.

Other draft decisions of the program refer to the expenses of the investment project “Modernization of the FPS-117 radars” and the approval of the site and the initiation of the expropriation procedures of privately owned buildings in case of public utility works of national interest “Losses of forest protection Highway A2, Călăraşi County”, as well as the rectified income and expenditure budget for 2020 of the National Company “Imprimeria Na” ional “SA.

The Government is also considering some firings / appointments of prefects and / or sub-prefects.

Also at the meeting, the Government could adopt this Thursday the decision regarding the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) by which it is constituted mandatory use of a protective mask in localities of regions where the contagion rate for the new coronavirus exceeds 1.5 per thousand inhabitants.

On Monday, CNSU approved Decision No. 51. At the same time, through the same decision, the CNSU updated the list of states and areas of high epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is established for people arriving in Romania.
