Political bomb! The fate of the elections is decided. Survey that generates alert in Parliament


The latest poll carried out by Avangarde, on the subject of parliamentary elections, was presented on Wednesday night on Antena 3. According to this poll, 68% of those polled are unhappy with the direction in which Romania is headed.

The dissatisfaction of the respondents is correlated with another result of this survey: the attitude of the electorate towards the coronavirus pandemic in the context of the elections.

When asked if the pandemic is a reason not to go to the polls, respondents answered “NO” in the proportion of 51% and “YES” in the proportion of 40%. 9% of the respondents did not want to give an answer to this question.

The data shows that the likely presence in parliamentary elections in pandemic conditions would be around 30%, although the majority of respondents are willing to face the risk of infection, said Vladimir Ionas, director of Avangarde.

2020 parliamentary elections: 6 parties could enter the future Parliament

NLP – 33%

PSD – 31%

Alliance 2020 (USR + PLUS) – 15%

UDMR – 5%

PRO Romania – 5%

PMP – 5%

55% of those surveyed indicated a party.

The Avangarde survey was conducted through telephone interviews with a sample of 850 people and its margin of error is +/- 3.4%.

2020 parliamentary elections: Iohannis disagrees with the postponement of the vote

Given the increasing number of new infections from the Chinese virus, several political leaders have called for the postponement of the parliamentary elections. However, President Iohannis does not want to consider this option.

President Klaus Iohannis does not agree with the postponement of the parliamentary elections, scheduled for early December, despite the large number of cases of new coronavirus infections that occur every day. He was asked if the parliamentary elections

If organized, in the context in which around 10,000 cases of COVID-19 will be registered per day, the president specified that the postponement of the next elections is not a scenario that he is considering now.

“At the moment, we are not considering postponing the elections and experts do not believe that it is necessary to postpone the elections. We can also see what is happening in the world. Even today, as I said at the opening, elections are taking place in the United States of America, a country much more affected by the pandemic, unfortunately, than the situation in Romania, ”declared President Klaus Iohannis.
