Timisoara, infection rate of 5.92. Fritz still wants quarantine, the head of the CJ does not command: when you communicate, as an authority, you must be the owner of the terms – Coronavirus


More than half of the COVID-19 cases reported in the last 24 hours in Timiş County, or 280 out of 590, were recorded in Timișoara, which reached, on Wednesday, an infection rate of 5.92 per one thousand. population, according to Timiş prefecture. Mayor Dominic Fritz still claims that Timisoara should be quarantined to limit the spread of the disease, while Timisoara County Council President Alin Nica does not want to accept such a proposal and says that specialists must make decisions: ” When you communicate, as an authority, you must have the terms. “

According to the Timiș prefecture, this morning in Timișoara 401 people with COVID were hospitalized and 40 patients were in the ATI wards. Six deaths were also recorded, writes Agerpres.

The Timiş Public Health Directorate announced, on Wednesday, a new active COVID outbreak at the Center for Neuropsychiatric Recovery and Rehabilitation for Children in Lugoj, bringing its total number in the county to 24.

At the same time, the Timiş School Inspectorate announced that on Wednesday there were 115 students hospitalized with COVID, and 784 are in isolation or quarantine. Likewise, 82 teachers are hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 and 31 employees of the teaching-auxiliary and non-teaching staff. There are 283 schools in the red teaching stage, another 168 units are in the yellow stage.

Mayor Dominic Fritz said Tuesday that quarantine of the city is unlikely to be avoided and that such a move would be appropriate: “Better early than late.”

On Wednesday, Fritz continued to support the idea of ​​introducing the quarantine, but not only of Timisoara, but of the entire metropolitan area, writes tion.ro. He told Digi24 that the authorities must be honest with the people, given that there are no more places in hospitals, especially in intensive care.

“I think it is better to make a joint decision sooner rather than later, because if we prolong the agony, we all suffer and the economy suffers even more. So I think we should discuss the option of quarantining a city. like Timișoara, with the entire peri-urban area. Only Timișoara would be meaningless. (…) We try to keep the economy alive, but absolutely all trips that are not necessary will not be possible for the moment. to be honest with people, “Fritz said.

When asked if a self-declaration would be needed for people to leave the home, Fritz said that law enforcement capacity should be considered.

On the other hand, the president of the Timiș Provincial Council, Alin Nica, does not want to assume such a proposal and says that the specialists must make decisions: “I would not say more now, it will be a meeting of the Provincial Commission of Emergency Situations, in which All scenarios in this direction will be analyzed. I only know that the INSP gave a positive opinion for the quarantine of nine locations in Timiș County, but that positive opinion is only advisory to us. Quarantine of one or more locations in Timi condado County , so I would not comment before consulting with specialists (…) I saw more information that turned out to be false. You communicate, as a public person, as an authority, you must be the owner of the terms and know that what you communicate is real , truthful and achievable ”.
