UPDATE The latest news on Andreea Bălan’s status. She had an emergency operation. What is happening now in the hospital?


New details about Andreea Bălan’s health! Sources close to the artist made the first statements in this regard. How does the artist feel and what did the doctors tell her after the tests?

To update: Andreea Bălan had an abdominal abscess, which doctors operated on shortly after she was hospitalized. According to specialists, abdominal abscess is an inflammatory process in which a cavity filled with purulent content forms between internal organs. This condition is often accompanied by severe pain, according to Cancan.ro.

What is the health of Andrea Bălan? What did the artist’s doctors tell you?

Andreea Bălan fans are trying to support the artist in these cruel moments. Everyone who loves the soloist was surprised by the news that she has health problems again. We remind you that half of the Andre band arrived at the hospital urgently on the morning of November 2, 2020 due to abdominal pain cruel. It was again in the hands of the doctors who got to save your life after the stop Cardio-respiratory suffered immediately after the birth of the second child. The singer is still hospitalized, but the good news is that her health has improved and, according to doctors, it is not necessary for the blonde to undergo surgery.

It seems that chronic fatigue has had a voice in the case of the singer, who recently filmed several editions of the program “I know you from somewhere” on the conveyor belt, a program where he has been a judge for more than eight years. “Andreea is hospitalized now, her condition is stable. But surgery is mandatory, which will probably be done tomorrow (not – Wednesday). Okay, she went through a much more difficult operation last year,” said a close friend of the Viva star.

What is the health of Andrea Bălan?  What did the doctors tell you and what testimonies do the singer's relatives give?
What is the health of Andrea Bălan? What did the doctors tell you and what testimonies do the singer’s relatives give?

“We were all worried about her”

“We were all worried about her, but we are very happy that she is much better now and that, in the end, we will not need abdominal surgery, but only long-term treatment. Most likely, she has problems with the old cesarean section, but doctors know better what the nature of these great pains was, so Andreea came to the hospital. He will be under medical observation, for tests and ultrasounds, he is still in the hospital tonight. Her mother, Valeria Bălan, is the one who takes care of the two nieces, Ella and Clara, after the nanny hired by Andreea finishes her program. But, during the day, the woman is not separated from her only daughter and is seen in the corridors of the clinic “
Sources close to the artist (Source: impact.ro)
