Al-Qaeda threat returns: Emmanuel Macron’s goal: ‘Killing the one who insults the prophet is a right of every Muslim capable of applying it’ – News sources


The jihadist group Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) urges its supporters to kill anyone who insults the Prophet Muhammad and threatens revenge on French President Emmanuel Macron, who defends the right to caricature the prophet, reports AFP, according to agerpres . .com.

“Killing the one who insults the prophet is a right of every Muslim capable of enforcing,” AQIM wrote in a statement Monday in response to French President Emmanuel’s remarks to the national tribute to French professor Samuel Paty, who was beheaded on October 16. in an Islamist attack in the Paris region for showing his classmates Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the prophet.

Florin Cîțu attacks: ‘What do you say, PSD is good to pay?’ / PHOTO

Macron stressed that France, in the name of freedom of expression, will not give up cartoons, triggering a wave of criticism from the Muslim world, demonstrations and a call for a boycott of French products.

Tens of thousands of people have demonstrated in recent days against France in several Muslim countries, including more than 50,000 people, on Monday in Bangladesh, where some protesters sport effigies of Macron and the French flag.

“The boycott is a duty, but it is not enough,” said AQIM, which called for “revenge” and described the radicalized young Russian of Chechen origin who killed Samuel Paty as a “martyr.”
