ANALYSIS More than 60% of PSD parliamentarians do not obtain a new mandate. What heavy names were left out


The PSD currently has 132 deputies. Of these, only 48 still occupy an eligible place for the parliamentary elections: 60 did not reach the list of candidates, while 24 are in a place considered ineligible by the party leadership, according to the figures obtained by “Adevărul”. Big names left overseas include: Florin Iordache, the author of the famous GEO 13, which supposedly saved Liviu Dragnea from jail, blocked by the massive protests of winter 2017; Iulian Iancu, known as “Gazprom MP”, after lobbying the Russian energy company in recent years; Eugen Nicolicea, one of the butchers of the laws of justice in the time of Dragnea, has been deputy without ceasing since 1992; Doina Pană, former Minister of Water, left in history after, during the floods in Teleorman in the spring of 2014, Prime Minister Víctor Ponta asked her: “What are you doing Doina, did you fancy some floods?”; Cătălin Rădulescu, known as the Machine Gun Deputy, came into conflict with Marcel Ciolacu and went to the Ecological Party with Liviu Pleşoianu, another PSD deputy who did not capture the list; Rozana Mânzatu, former Minister of European Funds of the Government of Dăncilă; Georgian Pop, he returned in vain to PSD from ProRomania; Beatrice Tudor, Former secretary of Liviu Dragnea, promoted in 2016 to the Chamber of Deputies for fidelity; Dănuţ Andruşcă, former Minister of Economy of the Government of Dăncilă, one of the relatives of the Baron of Neamţ, Ionel Arsene; Corina Bogaciu, the niece of Voluntari mayor Florentin Pandele, was removed from the lists to reduce charges of nepotism.

In the Senate, out of a total of 69 current senators, only 26 are still in an eligible place on the PSD list, 5 in places considered ineligible, and 38 remained completely out. In the head of the Mazilitas: Şerban Nicolae, launched into politics by Ion Iliescu, part of the anti-Justice troika along with Florin Iordache and Eugen Nicolicea. When he parted ways with the PSD, Şerban Nicolae compared himself to Hagi. “My actions in the current legislature, all my public service as a parliamentarian should have been rewarded, everything I did, I did for the benefit of the electorate. The fact that my political opponents challenge me so vehemently says it all. It is as if, in the 94 World Cup, Romania removed Hagi from the team because that is what the rivals demanded, “Şerban Nicolae said.

Ecaterina Andronescu she was assassinated in the quarter century in the front line of the PSD, from the position of parliamentarian or minister; none Mihnea Costoiu, raised under the wing of Ecaterina Andronescu, did not occupy an eligible place; Carmen Dan she was drawn to the limit by her loyalty to Liviu Dragnea; Nicolae moga retired (special), after three terms as senator and 6 days as interior minister, during the crimes of Caracal (2019); Liviu Marian Pop, called “knees”, was no longer rewarded by the party, despite the determination with which he defended the party on television, regardless of the issue; Radu Preda, a young hope of the PSD, was excluded from the list by Marcel Ciolacu, although he was the leader of the Social Democratic senators.

For two months, until the end of its mandate, the PSD will have trouble getting a majority in Parliament. Social Democrats who are no longer on the list no longer respect the decisions made by the leadership. The first test: several PSD deputies were absent from the vote to lift the immunity of Nicolae Bănicioiu, although the party forced them to be present and vote in person, so that there would be no suspicions before the campaign. Even in the Senate, where, in theory, the PSD has only a majority, the Social Democrats failed to put on the agenda the law by which Parliament receives the power to set the date of parliamentary elections. He betrayed Senator Ion Ganea, after being left off the list of MPs.

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The PSD has finalized its list of parliamentarians with doctors: Alexandru Rafila opens the list in the Chamber of Deputies of Bucharest, while Adrian Streinu Cercel occupies second place in the Senate, also in the Capital, after Gabriela Firea. In the country, the former Minister of Health of the Government of Cioloş, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, is running for the Chamber of Deputies of PSD Cluj. The rector of Târgu Mureş Medical University, Leonard Azamfirei, will also run for a deputy term. The director of the Colentina Hospital, Remus Mihalcea, will open the PSD list for the Chamber of Deputies in Argeş. In addition, in Bacău County, the list for the Senate will be opened by Bianca Purcărin, a doctor at the county Emergency Hospital. In addition to medical personnel, PSD has slipped controversial individuals to eligible locations: Laura Vicol, Alina Bica’s former attorney, is running for Dolj. The son of Cristian Popescu Piedone was inserted in Suceava. Dumitriţa Gliga, the daughter of the Baron of Mureş, Vasile Gliga, will also come to Parliament, while Adrian Solomon and Irinel Stativa, who quarreled with the waiters in the shaormerie, will get a new term in Vaslui.

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