What, in fact, the system developed by STS for the centralization of coronavirus cases does / Data used for the COVID-19 map: “Functionality does not imply monitoring people” – Essential


After Nicușor Dan announced that through a computer system developed by STS for the Ministry of Health, people infected with the new coronavirus will be located in real time, the Special Telecommunications Service affirms that people will not be monitored or located, Instead, they will be mapped based on the addresses declared by Romanians who tested positive for COVID-19.

What Nicusor Dan said:

  • The Ministry of Health has implemented or is in the process of implementing this computer system that allows the real-time location of infected people. So this system takes three or four more days until it is fully functional. (Sunday)
  • There is an information system implemented by the ministry, with STS. The implementation has already started, it will be ready in a few days. Based on this system we will have the geographical distribution of cases within the municipality. (Saturday)

What STS says:

  • STS is not developing an application based on the collection of people’s location information, but an additional functionality of the Corona-Forms application, currently used by medical authorities ”.
  • The new functionality will allow medical monitoring of COVID-19 cases, based on the information entered in the request by the entities provided in the Order of the Ministry of Health to approve the information flow used in the report of infection data by SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • At the request of the Ministry of Health, on the Corona-Forms platform, The addresses declared during the epidemiological investigation by persons who test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be presented in an internal graphical interface of the map type.. This functionality will be available only to decision makers and will allow to filter confirmed cases with the new coronavirus, by area, down to street level. We reiterate that this functionality does not involve monitoring people.

The STS also states that it has developed, based on the operational requirements established by the Ministry of Health, an information system that allows the centralization of data on people confirmed with the new coronavirus.

At this time, in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Health to approve the flow of information used in the reporting of data on the infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, each laboratory that performs the tests has started the procedure for entering the results in the computer system, being possible to generate reports in national or county or only for certain areas. Likewise, the computer system allows the transmission to each patient and family doctors of SMS messages and emails with the results of the COVID-19 test, is shown in a statement from STS.

Orban’s comments

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban also stated that anti-COVID-19 apps are highly controversial and not taken into account in Romania. “They have been applied in some countries, except in the EU. I assume an agreement of each patient to install their application, and if a citizen does not want to install the application, we have no legal possibility to determine it to do so, “he said.

Regarding the monitoring system, Orban explained that it is simple: “DSP issues isolation or quarantine orders at home. They go to the Population Registry. The Ministry of the Interior has the obligation to periodically verify compliance with the decisions made by the DSP on isolation or quarantine ”.
