Boris Johnson announces quarantine: “Stay home from Thursday!”


Britain is returning to a “lockdown” almost like spring. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday night that England will be under quarantine from Thursday 5 November. “It is time to act, because there is no alternative,” said the prime minister, given that The UK has passed one million new coronavirus infections.

The UK is facing an explosion of cases and the Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the quarantine of England for a month, until early December. The main reason is to avoid blocking the medical system due to the accelerated growth of infection cases.

The collapse of the health system would be “a moral disaster”, doctors and nurses would be forced to choose which patients to treat, who lives and who dies, “said Boris Johnson.

However, unlike the spring quarantine, schools, colleges and universities will remain open. “We cannot allow the virus to do more harm to the future of our children than it already has,” said Boris Johnson, who urged parents to send their children to school.

Restaurants, bars and pubs will be closed. It will only be possible to serve packaged food. Stores that sell products of strict necessity will remain open, so “there is no need to stock up,” the prime minister stressed, addressing his fellow citizens.

The reasons why people will be able to leave home

He listed the reasons why people will still be able to leave their homes during quarantine: to go to school, to go to work, if they cannot work from home, to exercise and play outdoors, if they have medical reasons. , for essential purchases and to serve vulnerable people.

“We are not going through all this alone,” said the head of government in London, referring to other European countries that have already taken quarantine measures due to the difficult epidemiological situation.

Christmas will be “probably very different” this year, added Boris Johnson. “But I firmly believe that if we act now, we can allow families across the country to be together,” he said.

The prime minister also announced that in the next period the government plans to make massive use of rapid tests. “Whole cities could be tested,” said Boris Johnson. He specified that the army will be called in to help carry out these massive tests.

Parliament will debate all of these measures on Wednesday and they will most likely pass, writes BBC.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
