Runic horoscope for November, with Mihai Voropchievici. Strike Capricorn, Virgos, a month full of scandals


November brings scandals for some signs, for others a lot of love, while just one sign has a great reward for everything that has worked so far.


A period in which many important truths can come to light that can come with an imprint on their lives.


It is a month that you should relax, clear your mind and get rid of the fears that relatives or relatives are suffering or have any illness.


They are advised to be patient, wait for all solutions. Good things come for those who know how to wait. Don’t force your luck in November


Expect a number of major changes in November. If you have done wrong, wait for that, it is a karmic month.


You are advised to come with changes in November. Approach all the things that interest you in a totally different way than you have done so far


It has a month of battles. He gets into fights, in scandal, in noise. Don’t worry, everything is resolved without a fuss


You are having a more difficult month. It has to be strong, it has to be tough, it has to overcome some challenges and some tests. They don’t sleep in one ear, but it is a warning because they tend to be lazy.


You have a month of mass communication. Keep your eyes open!


A month of love, passion, something hot. It is 3 times favored by divine force.


He is in love! Those who worked and worked now receive the reward


They have a month where they need to stabilize and know who they are. You have to show up. Show who you are! It’s Personality Identification Month!


The month of fertility and abundance. Your dreams come true
