Infringement decision: Romania has two months to close and rehabilitate illegal landfills – Environment


The European Commission on Friday asked Romania to close, seal and ecologically restore 15 illegal landfills that have benefited from a transitional period, according to its Accession Treaty, is shown in a statement from the Community Executive, writes Agerpres.

Thus, on Friday, the Commission sent a late letter to Romania, a document that represents, in fact, the formal opening of the infringement procedure.

Romania has two months to remedy the deficiencies; otherwise, the European Commission may decide to send a reasoned opinion.

According to the Waste Directive (2000/60 / EC), Member States must recover and dispose of waste in a way that does not endanger human health and the environment by prohibiting the disposal, disposal or uncontrolled disposal of waste .

Waste must be treated without risk to water, air, soil, plants or animals, without causing noise or annoying odors and without negatively affecting rural areas or places of special interest.

The European Green Deal and the EU Circular Economy Action Plan aim to accelerate the transition to a circular economy based on high resource efficiency, waste reduction and high recycling rates in all sectors.

In Romania, 101 non-compliant landfills benefited from a transition period. They should have been closed in July 2019. According to information received from Romania, 86 landfills have now been closed and rehabilitated. The planning for the closure and rehabilitation of the remaining 15 landfills is uncertain, as closure work has not yet started for most of them.

Infringement decision: Romania has two months to remedy deficiencies in urban wastewater treatment

The European Commission decided on Friday to send Romania an additional letter of delay due to non-compliance with EU rules on urban wastewater treatment (Council Directive 91/271 / EEC) in large urban areas, according to another statement from the Executive of the UE, cited by Agerpres.

And this letter of formal notice is, in fact, the formal opening of the infringement procedure. Romania has two months to remedy the deficiencies; otherwise, the European Commission may decide to send a reasoned opinion.

According to the Directive, cities must implement the necessary infrastructure for the collection and treatment of their urban wastewater. Untreated wastewater can endanger human health and contaminate lakes, rivers, soils, coastal and groundwater.

The aim of the European Green Deal is to steer the EU towards zero pollution, which will benefit public health, the environment and climate neutrality.

According to the latest data provided by the Romanian authorities, although some large agglomerations did not ensure adequate collection of urban wastewater, it was found that the additional ones do not comply, reports the European Commission. 188 large agglomerations still do not comply with the municipal waste collection obligations under EU legislation, while 192 large agglomerations do not comply with the secondary treatment obligations and 193 large agglomerations do not comply with the stricter treatment.

Therefore, the Commission will send a formal notice to Romania on Friday. This case is part of a horizontal action involving 12 Member States, all of which have benefited from temporary exceptions under their accession treaties.
