CTP “pulls the hair off the head.” The bishop of the Hussites destroyed it!


His Holiness reacted on the page of the Hussite Episcopate, where he published the details about the recent statements of the journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu.

“It just came to our attention then. One, for those who a priori believe that wearing the cassock itself is a hallmark of the fact that you were the inveterate servant of the” red devil. “

I have not lived “alive” this “misfortune of the century” (Alain Bensançon) of the twentieth century. I was too small. He had no camaraderie with this totalitarian, lying and aggressive system. Everything I know about communism, “the most perfect catechism of darkness” (André Scrima), came to me by book. Many of the ministers in the Church today are in a similar or identical situation.

Thus, I relieve the ethylophile service of a useless effort and the typical sin of Marxism to stigmatize, without any logical or real basis, an entire human and professional category, “he said.

“Unwavering Conviction and Faith”

“The second clarification is generally for all those who read these lines. When I read the eruptive reaction of Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu to certain statements of Father Patriarch Daniel, from the sermon delivered on the feast of Saint Pious Dimitrie Basarabov, the patron saint of Bucharest, I had not the slightest impulse to write anything about this text, which It is of a violence worthy of an anthology in the book of human evil.

I thought it was just a tirade struck with the hammer of verbal aggression on the opponent’s head. I was wrong. It was more than that. Unwavering belief and belief. One day after the ideological allergy triggered by the words of the patriarch father Daniel, Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu stated with his characteristic “infallibility” in terms of opinions that “I discussed everything I said.” I went back to the text, to see the unbeatable arguments, on which all the hate speech against the “uncomfortable” adversary, Patriarch Daniel, rests.

Instantly, in my mind, a name appeared, (Eugen) Ţurcanu, a name that ostensibly clung to my brain, giving me no peace until I went to open Virgil Ierunca’s book, “The Piteşti Phenomenon” (I read- oh, yes I don’t remember badly, twice). The similarities between the common language of Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu and the torturer Ţurcanu seemed so obvious to me that I said to myself: Ţurcanu redivivus: “Ţurcanu’s delusional imagination was unleashed especially when it came to students who believed in God and tried not to deny it ”(Humanitas, 2013, p. 40). In the damp and dark cold of the prison, the “verbal” fists against faith came through Ţurcanu. In today’s world cloistered due to the pandemic, invectives come through Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu. I ask God for forgiveness for the harshness of this association and I allow it to Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu because I thought so ”, added the bishop.

“I have not witnessed blasphemies”

“Fortunately, I did not witness the blasphemies pronounced by Ţurcanu in Pitesti prison, but I have the unfortunate opportunity to hear, read and see them, in an equally aggressive and faithful version, in the statements of Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu. Against the background of the words of “spirit” of Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu, the sad truth became even clearer to me that the psychic liquidation of the opponent, through the use of aggressive and compulsive language, was the lethal weapon available, sine die , any communist torturer. Obviously, in the “critical text” of Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu, I failed, under any circumstances, to identify the arguments of all the statements, which, probably, in a subliminal key, should be treated as statements endowed with natural immunity to criticism.

What is the argument that those who belong to the Romanian Orthodox Church are “cattle”, herded by the “fisher of people with prostovol”? Never, in my mission, do I refer to believers as cattle, but as rational souls, worthy of Christian respect and love. My “cowboy” read the “Treatise on elegant life” by Honoré de Balzac, from which I learned that “care – this word expresses a whole system – is the sine qua non of elegance” (Editura Paralela 45, 2016 , p. 118). To be honest to the end, I would have liked Mr. Vasile Bănescu to have had an inspired Christian apologetic speech and Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu a rhetoric worthy of the elementary principles of common sense.

The “cattle” know that the enemies “have counseled to tear down our honor, they have run with a lie” (Psalm 61: 4). The “cattle”, herded by “satanics in cassocks”, know that Christ says so: “Do not judge so that you are not judged; Do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37), and “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents and upright as doves, beware of men” (Matthew 10: 16-17) or “If the world hates you, know that me hates me in front of you.

If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you ”(John 15, 18, 20). What is the argument that “the stability of the Romanian Orthodox Church was allied to Mátalo Toaca under communism”, as long as there are so many “cowboys” of the faithful “cattle”, who did not even know what communism is as a system totalitarian politician, why were they just kids at the time? Many of them lived their first youth after 1989 ”, added the bishop.

CTP, abolished by the bishop

“What is the argument for the claim that cassockers are satanic, as long as there are enough known ‘potatoes’ who feed the poor, eat with the homeless, support deserving pupils or students through scholarships or those who have a precarious economic situation, make homes for the poor, morally rehabilitate the desperate and serve the sick, elderly or lonely, or endure the aggressive “tolerance” of the Bolsheviks recycled into progressives, specializing in sermons on the Meekness and Forgiveness Only for those who are verbally abused, believing that the victim only has the right to remain silent, not to defend themselves?

What is the argument, Mr. Cristian Tudor Popescu, in which you trust when you attack with hatred and verbal violence those who believe in God and in the values ​​of the Gospel? Just because you find them uncomfortable and unbearable? Or simply because you have an unbridled desire to pull out your hammer and sickle at all costs?

Or simply to remind us that the communist regime is not dead and the communists are among us, metamorphosed into progressives with severe allergies to everything related to the dimension of faith? What is the personal or general argument that you use when you decide not to assume, for your relaxation, Balzac’s statement that “the strong man is always simple and calm?”, The bishop of Huși also declared, according to RomaniaTV.
