A member of the PSD is the one who assured the PNL that the parliamentary elections cannot be postponed.
“What happened this week?” The PSD member of the Senate Permanent Office, the PSD member who ensures the majority there, did not come to put the law on the agenda (no. To postpone the elections). Then, a member of the PSD boycotted the Parliament sessions together with PNL, USR and UDMR, so the repeal of the law in Parliament is postponed sine die. Mr. Ciolacu announced how they will pass the law through Parliament and Ciolacu’s PSD member, who became Iohannis, did not attend, “said Mugur Ciuvică, in the interview with DCNews.
A new member of PSD, bought by PNL?
PSD Senator Radu Oprea declared on Wednesday that Ion Ganea “was bought by the PNL” to absent himself from the meetings of the Senate Permanent Office, thus failing the quorum for the bill that may postpone the date of the parliamentary elections. entered in the phonebook. The National Political Council is meeting today, and on the meeting’s agenda is the exclusion of Ion Ganea.
Ideology in Romania
Political analyst Bogdan Chirieac commented on Tuesday’s show that “if the man is no longer on the list, I can understand that it is a boycott measure, as in Romania, the ideology lasts until they put me on the list and elect me in Parliament, then the truth sets me free. ”
“He will surely be rewarded in some way for NLP, if he is not on the PSD lists” Mugur Ciuvică pointed out.
“We no longer consider him a Social Democrat, the anger starts, I suppose, at the fact that he is no longer in an eligible spot on the charts,” Sorin Grindeanu said after the DCNews show.