PSD excludes the senator who blocked the postponement of the elections. “PNL and USR are willing to kill democracy for elections”


The PSD has already convened the National Political Council at 12 noon, with the proposal to exclude Mr. Ion Ganea on the agenda. The new PSD does not tolerate such behaviors, but the facts lie beyond that. The united right PNL-USR, commanded by Iohannis, blocked one of the fundamental institutions of the state for electoral purposes, as well as blocked all health measures. They are ready to kill democracy and destroy the health of Romanians in elections. That is what they did from the beginning. The boycott has only one result: it goes beyond the timetable in which the law could be passed in a timely manner by which Parliament could postpone the date of the elections. The PSD has done everything humanly possible, legally speaking, so that these elections are held when the health situation is under control. We initiate laws, request consultations in Cotroceni, and even a Health Pact. He was not interested in anything at all. Now we call on all Romanians to go to the polls and sanction the cynicism of Iohannis and the NLP. It will be ten times worse in the next 4 years, if these irresponsible people are in power, ”Ştefan Radu Oprea said at a press conference held on Wednesday at PSD headquarters.

He added that the united right ended up buying a PSD member of the Permanent Office so that there could no longer be a quorum at Senate leadership meetings.

“As noted in the Senate, President Iohannis and the NLP who want elections at any price, without worrying about the health of the people and the fact that Romania is close to a health disaster, have boycotted all activities for 3 days of the meetings of the Permanent Office The Senate has only one purpose: to block the law by which Parliament could postpone the date of the elections. They lowered so much that they bought a member of the PSD from the Permanent Office so that we could no longer call meetings, promising him all kinds of positions and you will see in the next few days what his price was. This is how NLP arrived today: an unreformed party that is riddled with conquerors and criminals to stay in power. “

Asked how PSD will manage to remedy the situation of convening the Permanent Office, in the context in which there must be a meeting to be able to change secretaries, Oprea replied: “Tomorrow we will have the National Political Committee. There the support of Mr. Ion Ganea will be withdrawn. Once we have the designated secretaries and we will continue with the parliamentary procedures. When voting, there are possibilities and procedures in Parliament and I am convinced that the secretaries will be replaced in a short time ”.

Asked if there was still time to promote the bill by which Parliament decides the date of the general elections, the Social Democrat replied: “Obviously that is the objective. This is what all Romanians see, the fact that this boycott makes it impossible to enforce the law. You saw the numbers today. On the calendar, the chances are getting smaller and smaller. “

The first vice president of the PSD, Sorin Grindeanu, affirmed that the Social Democrats no longer have a majority in the Permanent Office of the Senate, because one of the members of the PSD that is also part of the governing structure of the legislative forum refused “yesterday and today they refused to answer our calls. ”He explained that just because you are no longer eligible for parliamentary elections in the PSD Tulcea organization does not mean that you no longer have to do the job for which they were elected. Ion Ganea is a senator affiliated with the group PSD and secretary of the Permanent Office.

The Senate leadership did not have a quorum for the second day in a row to approve the submission to the Legal Commission, for the report, of the bill that stipulates that Parliament sets the date of the elections and not the Government, an initiative that Klaus Iohannis is re-examining at the Legislative.

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