Topics of the day: Does the president want peace in the courts? What is the head of the Attorney General of Paloma doing? Work begins on the metro and metropolitan train in Cluj-Napoca; How Streinu-Cercel Withdrawn 100,000 Lei A Month In Cash From Big Drug Manufacturers – Topics Of The Day


The Macron-Erdogan conflict and how the boycott of French products is perceived in the international press:

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Sultanul Pyroman, headlines Le Monde. Erdogan is encouraged by the desire to appear as the leading defender of the Muslim world, denouncing the treatment of Islam in the countries of the European Union, while keeping silent about the one applied to Uyghurs in China. It is in competition with Saudi Arabia. It won’t go so far as to call for a boycott of French products, but it is attacking its president. Finally, this new offensive by the Turkish leader reveals his frustration with the bill prepared in Paris on Islamist separatism, which should deprive Turkey of its main lever on Islam in France, that of the Turkish imams and Turkish-language teachers in France. public schools. Instead, the Turkish daily Sabah believes that “European Islamophobia annoys us all, inevitably.” The speech and the notions they use are unbearable. That is why we all react. Sometimes we try to respond to Macron and people like him on social media, other times through newspaper articles or on television. Both politicians and ordinary citizens. Responding to such speeches is our natural right and a necessity. The Washington Post believes that Macron vs. Erdoğan: a fight both leaders want. “No matter how irritated the West has become because of Erdoğan’s aggressive tactics, Western countries are not in a position to give a credible response to change Erdogan’s behavior,” said Gönül Tol of the Middle East Institute. A boycott of French products will further alienate Turkey from the EUwrites La Libre Belgique.
Does the president want peace in the courts? What is the head of the Attorney General of Paloma doing?. Judicial professionals are thrown to the periphery of the system so as not to disturb the new period of silence marked by the prosecution and President Klaus Iohannis. Recently, the attorney general Gabriela Scutea sent instead of the long-awaited strategic vision of taking justice out of inertia, a note prohibiting employees from feeding pigeons from the windows of the Attorney General’s Office. The squire loves to take care of unnecessary things, for fear of failing in the major, so he does not hesitate to reveal his small neuroses and frustrations, of which his subordinates do not stop marveling, because he insists on justifying himself. every day, he manages, like a block manager obsessed with details. Meanwhile, the main addresses have been abandoned, writes Deutsche Welle.
How Streinu-Cercel was withdrawing 100,000 lei a month in cash from the big drug manufacturers. 2.1 million lei over two years – this is the amount that the foundation controlled by “Matei Balş” tycoon Adrian Streinu-Cercel spent in cash for two years. The money came from large pharmaceutical companies, who generously sponsored the PSD candidate’s foundation. Seven of the top ten pharmaceutical producers in the world are together on the foundation’s donor list. More than 5.8 million lei entered the NGO’s account in just two and a half years, Newsweek writes.
What messages did the leaders of the Ceausescu Patriarchate send him, even during the Revolution of December 89? Patriarch Daniel hinted on Tuesday that the communist regime fell in Romania in 1989, after then authorities banned the worship of the relics of Saint Demetrius. Only in the hot days of December did the Romanian Orthodox Church send a telegram to Nicolae Ceausescu wishing him many years and assuring him “from the bottom of his heart” that the high prelates, headed by Patriarch Teoctist, are with him and they will support it. With zeal “the dictator’s plans to” carry out the great program of multilateral development of the homeland, “according to Adevărul.
The story of the IT specialist who in a few years built and lost a $ 6 billion empire. Andrew Mason, a former music student turned programmer and later entrepreneur, managed in a few years to build and lose a billion dollar empire: the Groupon company. Andrew Mason’s company story started from his idea that people should be able to join in collective action to hold companies accountable. The first step was The Point, a site that received $ 1 million in funding and should have been a place where people could take joint action and raise funds for various lawsuits against governments or companies, according to Libertatea. .
Work begins on the metro and metropolitan train in Cluj-Napoca. A second city in Romania will have a metro. It is about Cluj-Napoca. The mayor’s office announced the start of geotechnical drilling works for the construction of the metropolitan train and the metro in the city and in neighboring communes. “The Cluj-Napoca City Council, as contracting entity, announces the start of technical geotechnical drilling works in the project” Gilău – Floresti – Cluj-Napoca – Baciu – Apahida – Jucu – Bonţida Metropolitan Train “- stage I of the Cluj metropolitan transport: Magistrala I Metro and Metropolitan Train, including the connection between them and the studies related to future investment objectives ”, according to
The authorities’ dilemma: isolate the population or block hospitals. Researcher Octavian Jurma’s conclusion is that, to reduce the number of daily infections to a level that the medical system can handle, a two-week quarantine is needed, established throughout the country. The opinion of the Timisoara researcher is also shared by Prof. Dr. Emanoil Ceauşu, GP for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, who stated for “Adevărul” that a two-week lockdown would take Romania off the upward slope of the number of new infections, according to Adevărul.
Famous doctors of the Police Academy: from Robert Negoiță, to Alina Bica and Cătălin Voicu. From 1995 until today, the Police Academy, to which the Ministry of Education withdrew, yesterday, the right to organize more doctorates, has produced 683 doctors. Here many personalities received their doctorates, and later it was found that they had plagiarized. Still, the measures were difficult. Among the celebrities who received their PhDs here and who were later accused of plagiarism are: the Mayor of Sector 3, Robert Negoiță, his work is under verification at CNATDCU, who did not make a decision for almost five years – Ion Netejoru, the famous chief of the Judicial Inspectorate, who was in charge of Kovesi’s investigation, when she was the head of DNA, Newsweek writes.
