This operation must be completed within 30 days, starting on November 2.
All data from the study documents will be entered into RMUR
According to a statement from the MEC, higher education institutions will introduce in RMUR the series and number of study documents prepared and issued for graduates of the three university study cycles (bachelor, master, doctorate), as well as other modalities of studies.
“To have a functional and credible system, universities must enter all the necessary data in this registry, so that, at the level of the Ministry of Education and Research, there is a centralized registry of university diplomas and certificates. This is also a step towards a modern Romania, ”said Monica Anisie.
Likewise, data on the name of the doctoral director (s) under whose supervision the studies were organized will be entered for each doctoral student.
MEC recalls that the Registry was established by the National Education Law no. 1/2011. In accordance with the provisions of the law, art. 201, paragraph 5) “in the electronic database related to RMUR, the records of the university degrees issued in Romania will be registered and kept.
The accredited universities and the Romanian Academy register the series and numbers of the study documents written and issued ”.
„The single registration register of Romanian universities became operational in 2016, by including in the institutional contract of each university the obligation to report the data requested by the Ministry of Education and Research on student records for all levels of study (master’s degree, other forms of study).
In 2018, the operation of RMUR was detailed by Order of the Minister of Education no. 3,714 / 2018, with subsequent modifications and terminations, regulating the fact that state and private higher education institutions in Romania, accredited or authorized to operate provisionally, and the Romanian Academy have the responsibility and obligation to register in RMUR ‘the series and number of studies issued to graduates enrolled in all university study cycles (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate) and other forms of study, ‘”says the MEC, according to agerpres.ro