Tatar tells us that we are on EXTENDED WAVE 1! Impressive comparison to Wave Europe 2


The statements of Romanian officials, who limit themselves to blaming the population and doctors, while taking restrictive economic measures and forgetting their own responsibility, are frankly outrageous.

What have we shown?

The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, stated that it is not a confinement, but local restrictions, stating that “the demonstration that we and international organizations have made is that wearing a mask, distance and disinfectant can reduce the number of infections ”. However, in Romania the mask began to be worn indoors when we went from a state of emergency to a state of alert, and since then the number of daily infections has increased. Today, in almost 5,000 cases a day, we cannot say that the mask, the disinfectant and the distancing have proven their effectiveness in our country, for multiple reasons.

Wave 1 extended

At the same time, Nelu Tătaru states that “look what the reports of some countries that have passed in the second wave mean, while we go on a prolonged wave 1 and I think we will hit it with influences from the second wave from other countries ”.

Then we realize that we are no longer in the second hump, but in a prolonged wave, that we will continue with the second wave of other countries.

Number of new cases like in Germany, than a decades old healthcare system

With the exception of Monday, when the balance of new cases is reported after a small number of tests, in our country the average of the last days is around 4,000 new cases / day, in a population of about 20 million inhabitants.

Germany has 80 million inhabitants and 12,000 new cases, according to the latest count. If we were to report the situation from Germany to Romania, our situation would be even worse, especially since, despite the high number of tests, we did not reach the level of Germany neither from this point of view nor from the point of view health, in our country hospitals are being pressured from 2,000 cases / day.

According to the logic of the officials, we are better than other countries, because they have more inhabitants …

We are not talking about the inexistence of epidemiological investigations, to which the officials do not even refer, although we see the example of countries like Japan or South Korea, where the second wave was fought precisely through this mechanism of rapid follow-up of contacts .

And thus, comparing ourselves with other European states, the number of new cases, with respect to the number of inhabitants, but also to the capacity of the health system, we find that our situation is not happy at all and that not in vain the doctors only make sound the alarm, so tired for a part of the population. But let’s reconcile ourselves to the idea that, as torn from the world, we are on extended wave 1 …

In anticipation, I think we will “stay” in the second wave of Christmas, when Romanians in the diaspora return to families on vacation.