The ordinance given by Dăncilă, modified by Iohannis. What about drugs


As can be seen from the website of the presidential administration, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, signed the following decrees on Monday, October 26 this year:

Decree on the promulgation of the Law for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 128/2020 on some measures for the approval of the National Program to connect the population and non-domestic customers to the intelligent natural gas distribution system (PL-x 498 / 09/08/2020);

Decree for the promulgation of the Law for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 111/2018 for completing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2011 on the establishment of contributions for the financing of health spending (PL-x 59 / 02.25.2019).

As for the first decree, the one that refers to the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 128/2020, it should be noted that the revised regulatory act, by law, provides, among other things, “the approval of the National Program for connecting the population and non-domestic customers to the intelligent natural gas distribution system, hereinafter the national program” .

The program “has the general objective of reducing emissions to the atmosphere as a result of the use of solid fuel to ensure the heating of residential buildings, domestic hot water and food preparation, as well as improving the quality of the public heating supply, and the use of natural gas in production processes or in current activity by non-domestic customers ”.

A project that can lift Romania out of the wood fire era

The formula presented by Parliament to President Klaus Iohannis says:

The National Program for connecting the population and non-domestic customers to the intelligent natural gas distribution system, hereinafter national program, is established, which has as a general objective the reduction of polluting emissions into the atmosphere from the use of solid fuels for heating residential buildings. , the provision of sanitary hot water, but also the preparation of food, as well as the improvement of the quality of the public service of thermal energy supply, but also of the use of natural gas in production processes or current activity by customers not domestic ”.

Intelligent natural gas distribution system means that natural gas distribution system that consists of the set of pipes, accessories, installations, connections, as well as other components of the regulation-metering-delivery stations of the National Gas Transmission System. natural gas to the regulation-metering stations of the end consumer, including smart meters for measuring natural gas and providing at least one of the following functionalities:

  1. a) use of intelligent instruments in the field of pressure and flow measurement, measurement, internal inspection of natural gas distribution pipes, odorization, cathodic protection, filtration and, where appropriate, drying, heating of natural gas, anticipatory reactions , traceability of the gas distribution system, collection and processing of natural data, but also automatic and remote data transmission, to operate in efficient and safe conditions of the natural gas distribution system;
  2. b) the use of information technologies and integrated artificial intelligence that allow the integration of the activities of the participants in the natural gas market in the processes of information collection and transmission, distribution, storage in pipelines and use of natural gas through the active participation of system users to increase the efficiency of the intelligent natural gas distribution system ”.

Vaccine and Drug Ordinance, Amended

The second decree signed by Klaus Iohannis refers to the enactment of the Law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 111/2018 for completing the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 77/2011 on the establishment of contributions for the financing of health spending (PL-x 59 / 02.25.2019).

More precisely, through this law, the president approved an amendment to an ordinance issued by the Government of Dăncilă, on vaccines and medicines.

The only change is:

“In the single article, a new point will be inserted before point 1, with the following content:

“- In article 1, index 1, paragraph 2 is amended to read as follows:” (2) The provisions of para. (1) will apply as of January 1, 2018. »”.

The only difference is that in the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 111/2018, approved by Viorica Dăncilă is: “(2) The provisions of par. (1) will be applied as of January 1, 2019 ”.

What is the order in question in paragraph 1?

„Except for the provisions of art. 1, Holders of marketing authorizations for medicines, who are Romanian legal persons, as well as holders of marketing authorizations for medicines, who are not Romanian legal persons, through their legal representatives, do not owe the quarterly contribution for the value the centralized consumption of vaccines acquired within the framework of national health programs; the list of vaccines acquired within the framework of national health programs will be approved by order of the Minister of Health ”.
