Orban speaks clearly about the new restrictions in Romania. The announcement came in the middle of the night.


We remind you that today, October 26, Romania registered 2,844 new cases of people infected by COVID-19 and 79 deaths.

Asked if new restrictions are imposed in Romania, Orban said that everything depends on the population, on how they comply with the measures so far. “We have adopted a set of measures that take into account how the virus is transmitted and we are waiting to see the effectiveness of these measures.

From our point of view, the more Romanians respect the rules of protection, health protection, the more normal life can be and our goal is not to affect the economy in any way, guarantee the functioning of the economy, take the least amount of possible measurements. restriction and we want people to have as normal a life as possible.

But, I repeat, as long as the health protection rules are observed, which are simple, they are not complicated: wearing a mask, sanitary hygiene, maintaining a physical health protection distance, avoiding touching objects that others touch, or disinfecting hands after play. such objects. Things are not very complicated. If people follow the rules, the risk of transmitting the pandemic decreases dramatically and there is no need to take other restrictive measures, “said Ludovic Orban, in a statement at the Romanian Embassy in Paris.

Orban: France and Romania, collaboration in the field of health

The prime minister stressed that the visit to France, in the context of the pandemic, highlights the importance of bilateral relations for both states.

The fact that this visit has taken place shows that it is of utmost importance, both for France and Romania, because it is obvious that this visit takes place in a context of pandemic that could have led to postponement of the visit and, from In our opinion , the fact that this visit has taken place, and especially with the effects on the collaboration between France and Romania, is something of the utmost importance.

I also pointed out in the statement, I am the first prime minister to have an official meeting with Prime Minister Jean Castex since the inauguration, I think this detail is still significant and shows the extremely good relations that exist between France and Romania and the desire to deepen this collaboration. As for risks, as long as we protect ourselves, as long as we respect the rules, the risks are minimal, ”Orban said.

The Prime Minister also referred to a collaboration in the field of health, which aims to exchange experiences, mutual support, as well as common positions at the European level in the regulation in the field of health.
