French prime minister’s reaction after Ludovic Orban described Erdogan’s attack on Macron as unacceptable


French Prime Minister Jean Castex on Monday praised Romania’s solidarity and support, expressed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban at a meeting in Paris, after the Turkish president’s “defamatory attacks” against his French counterpart in the scandal caused by cartoons of Muhammad and the murder of Professor Samuel. Paty. Ludovic Orban said that Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statements to Emmanuel Macron “are not acceptable.”

“I am extremely honored and happy to receive today the Prime Minister of a great friendly country of France. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban expressed his full solidarity and support for Romania after President Erdogan’s defamatory attacks against the President of the French Republic, “Jean Castex said in a joint statement with Orban in Paris, referring to the recent Islamist attack in which A teacher was beheaded for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class, according to Agerpres.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said in Paris on Monday that he assured his French counterpart Jean Castex of Romania’s compassion and solidarity following the murder of Professor Samuel Paty by a terrorist.

“We convey our solidarity with France in respect of our fundamental values ​​and the importance of a space in which freedom of expression and conscience are protected from violence and censorship. Attacks on a person targeting a head of state as a target Personal, such as that recently suffered by President Emmanuel Macron, are not acceptable, from our point of view. Mutual respect between partners and allies is fundamental and differences in approach or moments of crisis must be overcome through constructive dialogue and mutual respect. ”Said Ludovic Orban in his speech, received by the Prime Minister of France.

In a speech at a ceremony to pay tribute to the murdered professor, President Emmanuel Macron spoke of “Islamist separatism” and defended the freedom of expression allowed by the cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.

His statements infuriated the Muslim world.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for a boycott of French products after questioning the “mental health” of his French counterpart.

“It is extremely important that our European partners join us in defending our common values, such as freedom of expression and conscience and the fight against hatred and terrorism. This heinous crime was committed against these core values,” added Castex.

The French prime minister also said that he and his Romanian counterpart welcomed the 140th anniversary of the France-Romania relationship and decided to strengthen the relationship, “especially in areas such as nuclear energy, defense, telecommunications, agriculture, health and culture.”

“It is the subject of the roadmap that I signed with the prime minister, as well as the declaration of intent in the civil nuclear field,” he said, adding that many European issues were also raised at the meeting. on which France and Romania have convergent positions.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban began a two-day official visit to France on Monday, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, the Minister of National Defense, Nicolae Ciuca, and the Minister of Agriculture , Adrian Oros.
