Romania, UNIQUE in the world for a place in Târgoviște. Did you come to visit him? VIDEO


The director of the Cultural Center for UNESCO “Fortress of Romance” Târgovişte, Alina Mavrodin, spoke about the unique museum in the world located in Târgoviște.

Located at the House of Romance Museum in Târgoviște, Alina Mavrodin gave an exceptional interview for DC News.

We are in a unique museum space in Romania, dedicated to the history of romance and the National Romance Festival “Golden Chrysanthemum” in Targoviste, which this year reaches its 53rd edition. We started in 1968, practically the organizers, the great people of the Târgoviște culture, who started, who thought about this wonderful event. Here, we take care of this fantastic legacy of romance.

We try with divine help, with a lot of work and with great love for romance to carry it forward “, explained the director of the Cultural Center for UNESCO” Cetatea Romance “Târgovişte, Alina Mavrodin, for DC News.

Alina Mavrodin later mentioned that she is, more precisely, “in the hall of the Golden Voices”.

Gratitude and history corner at the Casa Romanței Museum in Târgoviște

“To the right, to the left as you can see, is the generation of golden voices from the Romanian folk song (…) that served the romance. We have here the great voices of opera and operetta, all of them were here the embodiment of romance in “Golden Chrysanthemum” in the last more than 53 years of romance in Targoviste. (…) But also light music artists and many colleagues of my generation, from Romanian light music, who sing very beautifully and romance, were also in recitals in “Golden Chrysanthemum”.

Alina Mavrodin also mentioned that “we have a panel with more than 15-17 artists, from various countries of the world and not only from Europe, but also from other continents of the world, who have romance in their repertoire and have been present in recitals in – Golden Chrysanthemum – ”.

When asked where the “uniqueness” comes from, given that it is a unique museum in the world, Alina Mavrodin replied that „It is a unique museum in the world because Romanian romance is unique in the world. He is part of the family of European song, of the poet’s song ”.

Whose idea was the museum

The idea of ​​setting up the House of Romance in Targoviste belongs to the founder and president of the Cultural Center for UNESCO “Fortress of Romance” Targoviste, Teodor Vasiliu, doctor in history, author of the monograph “History of the Golden Chrysanthemum”, passionate researcher of the genre and musical phenomenon in Targoviste Holder of an impressive personal collection in the field of Romance and the “Golden Chrysanthemum” Festival. Through this museum approach, the public has the opportunity to enter the fascinating world of Romance that has served great composers, performers, actors and notable personalities of the national culture and valuable artists of the international scene.

The King Carol I Boulevard building, no. 3, where the “House of Romance” was built and inaugurated in Târgoviște on October 18, 2017, has its own heritage value. It belongs to the Dâmbovița City Council and was transferred to the UNESCO Cultural Center “Cetatea Romanței” Târgoviște, in 2017, considering the greatest public interest, also expressed during the official meetings with the delegations of the representatives of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO and the FEACU. , with the aim of establishing and accrediting the Casa del Romance as a Museum of Romance, thus becoming one of the 40 music museums in the world and one of the 5 museums of heritage musical genres in the world. His choice was also justified from a historical point of view, considering that in this building the birth certificate of the National Festival of Romance “Golden Chrysanthemum” was signed in 1968, the largest national music event in Romania dedicated to Romance, which offered to the Târgovişte municipality a deserved cultural status as Capital of Romance.

Public commitments expressed by local authorities in 2017 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the “Golden Chrysanthemum” National Romance Festival and at official meetings, including those of the Honorary President of the World Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs for UNESCO, Sir. George Christophides, expresses his full support for this great cultural project highly appreciated by all the national and international personalities who paid tribute to the opening ceremony of the “House of Romance” in Targoviste.

Likewise, the patronage granted to the House of Romance by the Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs of UNESCO in Europe and North America is an expression and guarantee of the greatest interest that the distinguished representatives of UNESCO give to the Museum of Romance in Targoviste, in the current space. . This is a very important goal in the official approach that the Targoviste Cultural Center for UNESCO “Citadel of Romance” has initiated in the Ministry of Culture and National Identity, together with the City Hall and the Targoviste Local Council and the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, to include Romance in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO.
