The first Romanian died with Covid-19, which did not take place at ATI. Specifications from local authorities


“On October 21 this year, a 65-year-old man, known to have multiple comorbidities, arrived at the Emergency Reception Unit of Mediaş Municipal Hospital in serious condition. He had symptoms similar to the symptoms of the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, so samples were taken for the COVID-19 RT-PCR test. He was hospitalized and his condition gradually worsened. After receiving the positive result, he contacted the CNCCI to request a place in the ATI section. Mediaş hospital with ATI department aimed at developing COVID patients. Meanwhile, taking into account that his condition was progressively worsening, the doctors from the ATI Mediaş department were requested to intervene, after which he was mechanically ventilated and constantly monitored by the pulmonologist, the ATI doctor and the doctor on call. During this day, unfortunately, he died ”, is shown in a press release from the Sibiu prefecture.

According to the cited source, the Mediaş Municipal Hospital “is not fully prepared for patients confirmed as positive with SARS-CoV-2.”

“Even if Mediaş Municipal Hospital is not fully prepared for SARS-CoV-2 confirmed positive patients, it has benefited from all the necessary medical support and the medical body has done everything possible to save his life,” he said. the notice. Sibiu prefecture

We remind you that a patient with COVID-19 admitted to the Municipal Hospital of Mediaş, who does not have ATI beds for patients with the new coronavirus, died on Friday, while waiting to be transferred to an Intensive Care Unit of another hospital, he said to Agerpres the director of the Directorate of Public Health (DSP) Sibiu, Dr. Gabriel Budescu.

“He died. They asked him to take him somewhere to an ATI, it was not carried out anywhere, because there are no places. Those in Turda, for example, also ask for beds everywhere. The man was given oxygen, only that he had many comorbidities (…), he had to be intubated ”, explained Budescu.

According to the cited source, the Mediaş Municipal Hospital has an ATI department where there are six beds, but these are for patients who are not infected with the new coronavirus and are not sufficiently prepared for patients with COVID-19.

The director of DSP Sibiu announced that Mediaş Municipal Hospital is preparing to allocate three ATI beds for COVID-19 patients on Monday.

When asked what the chances of survival were for this COVID-19 patient who had not been intubated in an ATI, Gabriel Budescu said the chances were quite small.

“85% of patients intubated for ATI go. That is the possibility, which is very small,” he said.

According to the director of DSP Sibiu, a patient with COVID-19 died on Friday in the ATI Department of the County Emergency Clinical Hospital, where there are a total of 12 beds for patients infected with the new coronavirus and all are currently occupied. The COVID-19 cure rate in ATI in Sibiu is, on average, two patients, while ten die.

“At 12 beds, if two (patients – no) get up and leave the ATI standing and these are the ones who are younger patients, who are lazy and who can overcome it, but it is very difficult,” said Gabriel. Budescu.

COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized at the County Emergency Clinical Hospital and need to be intubated urgently, as they do not have free space in the ATI Department, are waiting to be transferred to other hospitals in the country, according to prefect Mircea Cretu and the director of the hospital Liliana Coldea.

The epidemiological situation in Sibiu County worsened on Friday, when four cases of children with COVID-19 were reported in the ATI Department of the Children’s Hospital, all with comorbidities and one intubated.

The County Committee for Emergency Situations decided this Friday that in the city of Sibiu the use of a mask becomes mandatory and schools will conduct courses only online, starting on Saturday, for 14 days, after a rate of contagion with the new coronavirus of 3,24 per thousand inhabitants, reports the Prefecture.
