Adrian Streinu-Cercel, blunt answer to Dan Bittman: “No one is smarter or worse than the other!”


Present on Wednesday at Gândul Live, the soloist of the band Holograf, Dan Bittman, was outraged by the restrictive measures imposed by the authorities since the coronavirus pandemic was declared. On the evening of the same day, the artist continued his diatribe on “Synthesis of the day”, the show moderated by Mihai Gâdea. Here, he received his response from the environment Adrian Streinu-Cercel, the director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases „Prof. Dr. Matei Balş ”.

“I do not deny that these are dramatic cases. As long as I am not allowed to do an autopsy to determine why a person died, I cannot say that 5,000 people died of Covid-19 in Romania. You are not allowed to say, as a doctor, that a man has died of a disease unless an autopsy is performed. I am with grieving families. Both of my parents died, but I cannot swallow information without discernment, “Bitman said of the online program.

“Even in England, the pubs have not closed”

According to the artist, everything is a manipulation, and the number of cases is taken from the stomach by the authorities whose game is to maintain this state of affairs to “buy all kinds of demons without auction, and the police are satisfied that the world is calm “.

“But I want Romanians to think with their minds. Call me on December 5 to tell me how many cases there are … Don’t you think it’s a manipulation? There are four or five or ten billion entrepreneurs who know exactly what they want. Look at one competition television, the statements of a former MP, a thief who is now talking about the thief … New Zealand has killed him with the virus. They had to set them up, ask them. There are no such problems in Bulgaria or Greece. There are people, they go out , pubs haven’t closed, even in England, pubs haven’t closed, “Bittman said.

“Let me die of Covid, God give you”

“It’s also about the show halls, if the mask protects us so much, why don’t you let them come to the concerts with a mask? There are people in the subway … There must have been tens of thousands of deaths. Those people must have fallen into the street. If it is a lethal virus, if it is a pandemic. This is not the case with us. There were supposed to be 80 million showers, there are a million. My mouth is dirty and I can say anything. Let me die of Covid, God give you. I really don’t want to live in degrading conditions anymore. You can’t do that, it’s too much. Ten royal hospitals had to be built, full of equipment. If everyone gives the money ”, said the soloist of the band Holograf.

It never happened to me, not even in Ceausescu’s time, that someone restricted my right to work in the way that it is now restricted to me. “

In the evening, Dan Bittman went to the show, on Antena 3, where he said that a doctor he knows told him that the statistics are wrong because there are wrong reports from the hospital. “He told me how they collected it: if you do three tests, on the same patient, I put three, not one.” He also complained that “it never happened to me, not even in Ceausescu’s time, that someone restricted my right to work in the way that it is restricted to me now, in full democracy. There are some rights, I think we still have them. I discover every day that all my rights are restricted. “

Streinu-Cercel: All healthcare systems in the world have been broken, no one is smarter or worse than the other

Adrian Streinu-Cercel intervened on the same television channel to reply to the artist, pointing out that “no one is smarter or worse than the other” and describing the difficult situation that doctors have been in for several months.

“People come off shifts, so some of them start crying the moment they take off those damn penguin costumes. Imagine what it means to sit and consult in that costume. It’s easy to question absolutely anything. What I want to point out is that we must unite on this issue.

From a technological point of view, Matei Balş was the only institute in Romania that in February was able to make available on PCR platforms the way to determine this virus and we did so with preparations many years ago. Since 2006 we have been preparing, we have built a molecular genetics laboratory, that is, we have done things, we did not wait for someone from the Government to come and tell us what to do and how to do it.

Then we started to replicate this system in PCR throughout the country, and now, it is under different platforms and can be done with hundreds of tests a day without problems. Know that the tests are correct, they have witnesses, that is, the witness compares himself with the test and says whether it is positive or negative. No doubt. However, the problem arises in the way it is extracted from the patient’s nose, so to speak. If you take it from the tip of the nose you will not get much, but if you take it exactly as it is written in the book, then the test is correct, with the maximum margin of sensitivity.

Divisive speeches don’t make sense right now. All the health systems in the world have broken down, no one is smarter or worse than the other. We all have a pandemic and in two more years we will have to face and get along if we are united ”, said Adrian Streinu-Cercel on Antena 3.

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