Dan Bittman, shocking statement: Let me die from Covid too, God forbid. I really don’t want to live anymore


Dan Bittman, the soloist of Holograf, spoke about the health crisis facing Romania due to COVID-19, harshly criticizing the measures taken by the authorities.

I officially demand the resignation of these bastards. This government had to fall ten times! All those who organized the embarrassing landing, showing that for me she is a plague, for others a mother… What do you mean? Is that what you call the protection of a nation?

It’s like black and white. But didn’t I try the clasp? And this is a confinement. Has no sense. I have nothing to do with HoReCa, but that is not the problem … They disinfect, you have a mask. It’s also about the show halls, if the mask protects us so much, why don’t you let them come to the concerts with a mask? There are people in the subway … There must have been tens of thousands of deaths. Those people must have fallen into the street. If it is a lethal virus, if it is a pandemic. This is not the case with us. There were supposed to be 80 million “showered”, there are a million. My mouth is dirty and I can say anything.

Let me die of Covid, that God. I really don’t want to live in degrading conditions anymore. You can’t do that, it’s too much. Ten royal hospitals had to be built, full of equipment. If everyone gives the money. People waiting to transfer money from left to right. These things are already beginning to be seen. There are new structures that lead, of which Romanians are a part. I want to be able to hug, not this nonsense with the elbow, ”Dan Bittman told Gândul.ro.
