What did Klaus Iohannis answer when asked about freedom why does he support a government that lies worse than the collective government of Ponta La about nosocomial infections? News, News Romania | Freedom


“I will ask the Ministry of Health for information and then we will see why zero was reported. It seems at least strange to me, given that measures have been taken to improve the situation. I will ask for an explanation for this ”, replied the president.

Libertatea wrote today that the response received from the health authorities shows that no case of nosocomial infection has been reported in the more than 5,900 deaths from COVID, given that in developed countries, according to the WHO, 30% of patients are in ITA. have an infection associated with the medical act.

President’s Freedom reporter question:

Libertatea today received an official response from the Ministry of Health and the INSP: The public health departments did not report any case of nosocomial infection to the more than 5,800 deaths of patients diagnosed with Covid-19.

According to the WHO, in developed countries 30% of patients receiving intensive care have an infection associated with the medical act. We have zero!

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Mr. President, in the Collective, the Government of Ponta left because it lied that it could treat patients, hiding nosocomial infections.

The Orban government reports fewer nosocomial infections than the Ponta government, more precisely none.

How do you explain to the people that you support a government that lies worse than the Collective? “

The forensic specialist Cristian Stan revealed to Libertatea in September that “nosocomial bacteria attack COVID patients” because they enter their lungs through contaminated ventilators.

Libertatea also wrote last week about the case of a woman who escaped COVID, but died of a hospital-acquired Clostridium infection.

However, today the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health officially responded to Libertatea that the Public Health Departments did not report any case of nosocomial infection to the more than 5,900 deaths of patients diagnosed with Covid-19.

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The government prepares the dismissal of the prefect of Bucharest, following the statements related to the contagion rate. Traian Berbeceanu could take over the position

Authorities also say there were no cases of nosocomial infection in the COVID-19 deaths.

Experts believe that this statistic is impossible. Especially now that, for several days, three-quarters of the beds have been occupied in ATI-COVID: about 750.

According to the WHO, in developed countries, 30% of patients receiving intensive care have an infection associated with the medical act. We have zero!

In this context, today, during Klaus Iohannis’ press conference at the Cotroceni Palace, Libertatea asked the president: “Mr. President, in Colectiv, the Government of Ponta left because it lied that it can treat patients, hiding infections. nosocomial. The Orban government reports fewer nosocomial infections than the Ponta government, more precisely none. How do you explain to the people that you support a government that lies worse than the Collective? “

On nosocomial infections, I will ask the Ministry of Health for information, after which we can see why zero was reported. It seems strange to me at least, given that measures have been taken to improve the situation, but there is still a long way to go. I will ask for an explanation for that.

President Klaus Iohannis’ response:

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