`If ​​the man with COVID had a cancerous head tumor, had metastases throughout the intestinal area, then the man died with COVID. Needs an autopsy (Barrel) – News by sources


Forensic psychologist Tudorel Butoi explained, on Saturday, on Antena 3, why the autopsy is important in the case of deaths from COVID-19. The specialist points out that, although the press spoke about the fact that the World Health Organization would have recommended not to carry out the necropsy in the case of deaths infected with SARS-VOC-2, the Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure is very clear in this regard .

See also: Adrian Streinu-Cercel: The epidemic was kept under control until politics intervened

Article 185 of the Criminal Procedure Code requires autopsies to be carried out, to see why he died: with COVID or COVID. Because if it is COVID, it is one and I do an autopsy and show everyone that he died of COVID. But if you say that he died ‘with COVID’, that he had a cancerous head tumor, had metastases throughout the intestinal area, then the man died with COVID.

There are more than 130,000 people who have had COVID-19 and are healthy. By not having comorbidities, they ended it with this COVID and expelled it from its morphophysiological and functional structure with what is taken with any flu. If we report the proportions of 140,000 who had it, they lived it and in 7 days they got rid of it with what is reported with a question mark that autopsies are not done, I do not know what the WHO said, “he explained. Tudorel Butoi, in the show ‘Voi cu Voicu’ moderated by Mirela Voicu.
