Armistice between Armenia and Azerbaijan, violated after four minutes. What accusations do the two camps bring


Armenia and Azerbaijan accuse each other of violating a “humanitarian truce” that was supposed to take effect at midnight on Saturday.

Armenian officials have accused Azerbaijanis of violating the armistice just 4 minutes after the armistice came into force, firing artillery and missile fire, the BBC reports.

“The enemy fired artillery in a north direction between 00:04 and 02:45 (Saturday, 20:04 and 22:45 GMT) and fired rockets south between 02:20 and 02:45.”Said on Twitter the spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, Shushan Stepanyan.

In response, Azerbaijan, in turn, accused Armenia of violating the agreement.

Armistice starting at midnight

This is the second time the parties involved have tried to reach a ceasefire agreement after three weeks of fighting that has killed hundreds in Nagormo-Karabah.

“The Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan have agreed to a humanitarian truce from October 18, 00.00 local time”said the Armenian Foreign Ministry, with Azerbaijani diplomacy confirming in an identical statement.

The announcement came after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke on the phone overnight with his Armenian and Azerbaijani counterparts and insisted on “the need for strict compliance” The armistice ended last Saturday in Moscow, according to Russian diplomacy.

Azerbaijan has gained territory in these three weeks, but without winning the decisive battle. So far, Baku has not revealed the price of the conflict, nor has it published any military, material or human balance.

The context of the Nagorno-Karabakh war

Clashes between Azerbaijan (backed by Turkey) and troops in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region, backed by Armenia, have raged for more than three weeks.

A territory inhabited by a majority of ethnic Armenians, Nagorno-Karabakh unilaterally seceded from Azerbaijan shortly before the collapse of the USSR, sparking a bloody war that left 30,000 dead and hundreds of thousands of refugees on both sides. 1990s.

Hostilities resumed on September 27 are by far the fiercest since the 1994 armistice.

Russia has friendly relations with both warring sides, but is generally considered closer to Armenia, which is part of a post-Soviet military alliance of the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

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