Minister of Education: Schools and kindergartens in Bucharest remain in the hybrid scenario for the moment / They will switch to the online scenario if the Committee on Emergencies – Education decides


Schools and kindergartens in Bucharest remain in the hybrid scenario until a decision by the Bucharest Emergency Situation Committee, Education Minister Monica Anisie told “If you decide to switch to the online stage, we will switch to the online system. On Monday, schools and kindergartens will be on stage 2,” Anisie said, adding that for Monday morning she called a meeting with school inspectors. in the capital.

  • “Tomorrow, the activities in schools and kindergartens will take place on stage 2, hybrid. Once the Emergency Situations Committee has been convened, if they decide to go online, we will go to the online system.
  • (…) Parents remain calm, activities will continue as before, until a decision is made by the Emergency Situations Committee. In the absence of such a decision, schools will operate in scenario 2 (no. Students take physical courses and online courses, in rotation) ”, Anisie stated for

He said he summoned the Bucharest school inspectors for a meeting on Monday morning at 8 a.m.

“I convened them to make the plan of measures for the development of online teaching activities – if there are tablets everywhere and to see if and what problems there are,” said Monica Anisie.

The Minister of Education also said that all the tablets were distributed in schools in Bucharest, at the end of this week, after staying for a few weeks in the warehouses of the Bucharest School Inspectorate. He specified that there are about 8,057 tablets requested by educational units in April, when there was a need for students, so they can learn from home.

If in a given area the infection rate exceeds 3 cases per thousand inhabitants, all schools can switch to the online scenario.

What is the common order of the Ministers of Health and Education:

  • “At a cumulative incidence rate above the alert limit of 3 / 1,000 inhabitants, the county DSP and the Bucharest municipality will present to the CJSU / CMBSU an analysis of the epidemiological situation in the locality. Depending on the existence of community transmission in the locality and the number of outbreaks existing in local educational units, as well as other risk criteria, the CJSU / CMBSU may decide, by means of a resolution, to temporarily suspend teaching activities that involve presence in educational institutions (scenario 3) , courses carried out online. In the absence of such a decision, the educational units of the respective locality will operate in scenario 2 ”.

What restrictions could be imposed in Bucharest

The Government’s Decision to extend the state of alert in Romania on October 15 provides for the establishment of new restrictions if in a locality the contagion rate of 3 cases per thousand is exceeded, as happened on Sunday in the case of the Capital, but they do not automatically take effect. According to GD, the Bucharest Emergency Situations Committee should meet within 48 hours.

The spokeswoman for the Prefecture of Bucharest, Mariana Stancu-Țipișcă, told that a meeting of the Committee on Emergency Situations has not been convened until now.

What does the decision adopted by the government on Wednesday stipulate for situations in which a locality exceeds the contagion rate of 3 cases per thousand inhabitants?

  • The verification of the classification within the accumulated incidence limits of the cases during the last 14 days to implement the measures established in this decision is carried out within a maximum period of 48 hours from its scope by decision of the Bucharest county / municipality committee for based emergencies The analyzes submitted by the county public health directorates, respectively the Bucharest municipality, and the measures are applied for a period of 14 days, and will be re-evaluated at the end of the same.
  • The county public health directorates, respectively Bucharest, calculate daily, for each locality in the area of ​​competence, the cumulative incidence of cases during the last 14 days and present to the county / Bucharest committee for emergencies, the analysis results in no more than 24 hours from the date it is found that the limits established in this decision have been reached.

Expected restrictions:

  • It is considered necessary to establish the obligation to wear a protective mask, so that it covers the nose and mouth, in the regions / localities where the cumulative incidence of cases in the last 14 days is greater than 3 / 1,000 inhabitants, for all persons who have completed 5 years. years, in all open public spaces.
  • It is also expected to gradually reduce the activity of restaurants, cafes, theaters, cinemas, until their closure in towns where the contagion rate exceeds 3 per thousand inhabitants.