DESPERATION in Germany! Angela Merkel asks Germans to stay home: ‘We are in a very serious phase’ – News from sources


German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a solemn appeal to her compatriots on Saturday urging them to minimize their social relationships and even recommending that they stay home, while the coronavirus epidemic accelerates significantly in Germany, reports DPA and AFP.

“Give up any travel that is not really necessary, any celebration that is really not necessary. Seek to stay at home, in your residence, as much as possible,” the chancellor said in the weekly podcast broadcast on Saturday.

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“What it will be like in winter, what our Christmas will be like, will be decided in the coming days and weeks. We will all decide this through our actions,” Angela Merkel said.

“We must do everything possible now to ensure that the virus does not spread uncontrollably. Today, every day counts,” the foreign minister insisted.

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Germany is in a “very serious phase” of the pandemic, Merkel said. “The number of new infections is skyrocketing day by day,” he said, adding that the pandemic is spreading rapidly again, faster than it started more than half a year ago.

Germany has recorded 7,830 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 contamination in the past 24 hours, a record for the country after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, according to official data released on Saturday. A total of 9,767 deaths, 33 more than on the eve, have been registered since the beginning of the health crisis that affected Germany, but to a lesser extent than its European neighbors.

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To combat the reappearance of the epidemic, scientist Angela Merkel recalled the importance of respecting distance and frequent ventilation of closed spaces, while explaining that from now on we must “move forward.”

“If each of us now significantly reduces the number of gatherings outside of our own family over a certain period of time, we may be able to stop and even reverse the tendency for infections to multiply,” he recommended.

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Considering that for many it is a “difficult exemption”, Angela Merkel said that this temporary effort also avoids overloading the healthcare system, keeping schools and kindergartens open and saving the economy and jobs.

“It is the most effective tool we have today to combat the pandemic. Now it is more necessary than ever,” he added.

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The call comes just days after a new crisis meeting between the chancellor and German regional leaders on Wednesday established a national roadmap outlining new restrictions, including closing bars and restaurants at night due to a level of contamination.

But this strategy of the German government was received unfavorably in many Länder, where the judiciary rejected these measures as disproportionate.

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In Berlin, for example, the administrative court lifted on Friday the obligation to close the capital’s facilities between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
