WHO warns that ATI capacity in Europe could reach the limit and announces treatment failure – Coronavirus


Many European cities are facing a significant increase in the number of Covid-19 patients who need care in intensive care units, which in the coming weeks could reach capacity limits, the director general of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, quoted by EFE, transmits Agerpres.

“Last week, the number of cases (for Covid-19) was three times higher than during the first peak in March,” he said.

Regarding therapies, Tedros noted that dexamethasone is currently the only treatment that has been shown to be effective in severe cases of Covid-19, a statement that comes shortly after the WHO announced expected results for four therapies tested across the world under study called “Solidarity”.

“In June we announced that we would discontinue hydroxychloroquine, in July we reported that we would not use more patients for the lopinavir / ritonavir trials, and now preliminary results show that two other trial drugs, remdesivir and interferon, have little or no effect on the reduction of mortality caused by Covid-19 ”, affirmed the Director General of the WHO.

But he added that the “Solidarity” study would continue, with about 2,000 patients recruited monthly for clinical trials, noting that monoclonal antibody treatments or other antiviral drugs could also be tried.

For her part, the WHO technical director for Covid-19, Maria Van Kerkhove, said that while the increase in cases and hospitalizations in Europe was worrying, “we are not in the same situation as six months ago, as we now know more. “. about this disease ”. “Diagnostic capacity has increased, health workers are more trained and experienced, and there is public awareness of what needs to be done to protect ourselves, so we must bring all of this together to help control the pandemic,” he said.
