Raed Arafat: At least 5% of the Romanian population is infected. The number of real cases is much higher


The number of people infected with coronavirus is much higher than the cases tested, respectively the numbers reported daily, says Raed Arafat. Probably 5% of the Romanian population has already been exposed to the virus, many without realizing it.

Raed Arafat explained that this is precisely the reason why a number of restrictions have been imposed and the mask must be worn everywhere: infected people can be around us, without us realizing it, neither we nor we realize it . This is because the figures reported on a daily basis do not accurately reflect reality. These are only confirmed cases, and not the actual number of cases, which is much higher, explained the secretary of state.

“Always, the cases that test positive are less than the general cases, that’s why there are rules that say, restaurants, wear a mask and everything, if we were sure that those who tested them are the only ones who test positive we would not do it. Wear a mask , we would no longer take prevention or restriction measures, since in some areas, it is clear that we have people who are positive, contagious, asymptomatic, who may not even know that they are contagious, that is why we ask you to put on the mask ” Raed Arafat said.

The actual number of people infected with coronavirus cannot be known, it is only estimated, but only by epidemiologists, Arafat added.

“I can’t tell you an estimate, what the difference is, here my colleagues in epidemiology can do certain calculations. At one point, the Ministry of Health gave an antibody prevalence of 4.5-5%. If so, it means that around 5% of the Romanian population have already been exposed to the virus and have been infected but they did not know it, they thought it was a simple cold, they thought their nose was running and they were coughing a little and they thought not that. is a problem. Or a fever appeared for a short time, but they were infected and probably some of them infected others, if they did not follow the prevention rules ”.

Qatari emergency services have donated intensive care equipment to Romania

Raed Arafat made the remarks at the reception of the intensive care equipment donated by the Qatari emergency services. These will be distributed as needed to our hospitals.

“We note now that the second wave will not be easy and it will not be one that passes quickly. Behind me are the necessary equipment for intensive care units, vital function monitors for intensive care units and injectors that allow us to administer medications in a highly controlled way to critical patients, in addition to a quantity of disinfectant. .

The equipment will be sent to the strategic storage center from where the equipment leaves for hospitals that request it for intensive care, so we continually supplement the equipment to hospitals that open new intensive care beds or that need additional equipment for intensive care beds. . said the secretary of state.
