Ianțu clears things up. Did you take money or not to declare yourself sick with COVID-19?


TV man Virgil Ianţu stated that he is disappointed by people who do not believe that the new coronavirus exists and who say that the disease is false. At the age of 49, Ianțu reported that she had contracted a mild form of COVID-19 and that the only symptoms she had were loss of taste and smell.

Virgil Ianțu specified, however, that the disease affected his lungs at a rate of almost 10% and he was glad that he had no other complications.

“It just came to our attention then. I’m fine now, I wasn’t scared. I stayed home for two weeks, then I did the investigations, my lungs were less than 10% affected. There were no problems. It’s sad that people think I took money to promote something like that. People die every day. Were they still getting money? It’s a ridiculous and shameful topic, “Virgil Ianțu said.

The TV star also said that, on the internet, he ironically answered questions about the money he would have received, saying that the amount would have been 60 lei.

We are no longer in theory

“I am not moved by false words. We are no longer in theory, we are far away. I answered ironically on the Internet that I took 60 lei,” Virgil Ianțu said during a television program.

Earlier this month, Virgil Ianțu announced that he had tested positive for the new coronavirus infection and said that he had developed a mild form of the disease.

His ad gave many skeptics the opportunity to comment on his health and hint that he had received money to declare himself ill. Several comments with questions of this type were left on his social media account, prompting Ianțu to take a position. His response was as expected.

Thus, when one of the Internet users asked him how much money he had received for declaring himself ill, Virgil Ianțu replied directly: “Me: 60 lei. But others have received more. “

In fact, it is not the first time that many public figures have been bribed with various sums of money to declare themselves ill with COVID-19.
