EXCLUSIVE: Testimony of a Covid-Infected Medical Professional: “Whether you drink vinegar or honey, it’s the same. It’s demoralizing.”


Viorel Huşanu, president of the Sanitas Bucharest Union, spoke with ProTV News correspondent Liliana Curea about her experience with the terrible disease, but also about the situation in the health system.

Viorel Huşanu, medical staff and union leader, shared her experience with Liliana Curea, ProTV News correspondent:

On October 5, my wife and one of the children had my first symptoms. I got the positive result for the 2 adults the next day. For the child, still positive, it reached 5 days. From that moment we isolated ourselves in the house and the first more serious symptoms began – we had everything written in the book – muscle aches, sore throat, cough, fever, etc. The first 3 days the symptoms were very severe. I couldn’t leave them at home and I had to go somewhere else, there was no one to take care of them, I was the only medical staff.

By presenting these symptoms to my colleagues, the doctors tried to get me a place; after 3 days, the place was identified in a hospital, in an ATI ward. I said he was not serious enough to take the place of a worse patient than me, and I refused. I couldn’t leave my family at home, sick. I waited at home, followed the described treatment over the phone.

I tried to test the second child as well. After 20 hours they came and took the test, after 8 days they mixed up the result: they passed an incorrect phone number and called another parent, who contacted me and gave me the news that the second child is also positive. Then I waited more than 48 hours, maybe 50, for the Rescue to come to be evaluated. I couldn’t leave the house to get it out. This happened 2 days ago, the evaluation has not arrived yet.

I never had the problem of being hospitalized. On the fifth day I lost my taste and smell and now they have not recovered. I think this is the most demoralizing situation I have ever been through. Drinking water or juice, vinegar or honey, is the same. It is demoralizing. It seems to me that the world is not what it used to be, that nothing is the same as before. It’s awful. Staying in the house, looking at the walls, not knowing how you are doing, coughing, not stopping coughing, looking at the child every 5 minutes at night to see how he is breathing, seeing what his wife is doing, waiting for tests. The rescue is demoralizing.

Unfortunately, the system is disorganized. I talk to colleagues from DSP, they work at 1 at night, 12, 14, 15 hours a day, the next day I start again. I talk to colleagues in the ambulance who tell me I can’t take it anymore. The 6-month jobs have expired and those people are moving into the private sector. Why aren’t they hired indefinitely to be sure?

There are isolated situations, scared personnel. It is not normal, when we were hired we knew that we had to dedicate ourselves completely to the patient, whether he had AIDS, covid or something like that. I ask everyone to ensure quality medical care. If we backed off, we wouldn’t solve anything. We all have to lift our shoulders, overcome this pandemic, and we certainly will. The system needs to be changed. I called for a national health pact. If there are people who don’t do their job, let’s eliminate them, if there are people who do their job well, let’s reward them.

There are hospitals where beds can be dedicated for patients with COVID, but let’s not let other patients with other pathologies wait. Why must some die and others live? It is not normal for us to choose. Let’s think about absolutely everyone.
