Something must be changed, cheats must be removed from there!


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban harshly criticized the Constitutional Court on Digi24 on Thursday night, after the “abracadabrante” decision it made regarding the parliamentary elections, saying that this institution must be “changed” and cleansed of political tricks, and its composition should include technocrats.

“The CCR’s decision seems to me a flagrant violation of the Constitution by the body that should be the guardian of the Constitution. I do something like this … I confess it to you, then something has to be changed, it cannot be done like this either … people who have been in politics and who are appointed there to respond to political orders! ”- said Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

He also blamed the RCC for the increase in COVID cases since the beginning of the summer, because it created a legislative vacuum.

“Many of the decisions go against the fundamental interests of Romania, I give you just one example: the decision to deprive the health authorities and the Government of any means to stop the spread of the virus, which caused an increase, the increase more spectacular number of cases “. Ludovic Orban added.

“In the week before the decision, we had an average of 370 cases per day and we jumped to around 1,300 cases at the time the law was passed during that 21-day period when there was a legislative gap and when we had no We were unable to make any decision on the people diagnosed positively, or on the contact persons for whom home quarantine and other measures are ordered, ”the president recalled.

“I’ve never seen such nonsense in my life!”

The Constitutional Court published, this Wednesday, the reason for the decision establishing that the law by which Parliament establishes the date of legislative elections is constitutional. Depending on the motivation, the elections can be postponed for 3 months, until March, if Parliament so decides. The CCR also says that once the law enters into force (after its promulgation), the Government Decision by which the Executive sets the date of the elections for December 6 ceases to be in force.

“I repeat, I cannot understand this decision. We, the Government, attacked in the ICR the law by which Parliament, a parliamentary majority, claimed the right to set the date of the elections. Let me give you a simple example that I wrote there. : MPs are not responsible for their vote in Parliament and their political opinions What happens if a parliamentary majority does not put the draft law on the fixing of the date of the elections on the agenda? What happens? no one answers. What is the interest of a parliamentarian? Extend his mandate as long as possible, especially if he will no longer be on the list in parliamentary elections. So there is no responsibility for individual parliamentarians who may prevent elections from being held We have appealed and the Court has ruled on the validity of the government’s decision, which was taken on the basis of the constitutional provisions and current laws. isto so much nonsense in my life! Ludovic Orban exclaimed.

“Why? That Florin Iordache and others give orders to Dorneanu and the judges who have been politically appointed, who give on the conveyor belt decisions that no longer have anything to do with the Romanian Constitution and democracy? Well, Parliament , this toxic majority, a result of the 2016 elections, with Dragnea telling the board how everything is growing, salaries, pensions, etc. This toxic majority destroys Romania, it behaves like an internal enemy, we no longer need external enemies, because we have enemies in the country!Snapped the prime minister.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
